40. Corset Cover Pattern Designed from Drafted Shirtwaist Pattern .... 100

41. Draft of Peplum Pattern ....................................... 101 
42. Night-gown Pattern Designed from Drafted Shirtwaist Pattern.. 103-104

43. Circular Night-gown Designed from Shirtwaist Sleeve Pattern ..... 105

44. Straight Night-gown Sleeve Designed from Drafted Shirtwaist Pattern 106

45. Draft of Pattern for a Mannish Shirt ............................ 108

46. Draft of Pattern for Shirt Sleeve, Collarband, Collar, Cuff and 
      P ocket ..................................................... 111 
47. Draft of Pattern for Middy Blouse......................... 112 
48. Draft of Pattern for Middy Blouse Sleeve  ..................... 114 
49. Draft of Pattern for Middy Blouse Collar and Facing .............. 114

50. Draft of Pattern for Middy Blouse Shield and Pocket .............. 115

51. Draft of Pattern for Circular Foundation Skirt ................. 118

52. Two-gore Skirt Pattern ......     ............................ 119 
53. Four-gore Skirt Pattern, having Panel Front and Back ............ 121

54. Five-gore Skirt Pattern; Panel Back, Two Side- and Two Front-gores 122

55. Five-gore Skirt Pattern; Panel Front, Two Side- and Two Back-gores 123

56. Draft of Pattern for Circular Flounce ......................... 124 
57. Side-gore Skirt Pattern; Panel Back and Two Side-gores ........... 125

58. Seven-gore Skirt Pattern; Panel Front, Two Side- and One Back-gore, 
      with Inverted Plait .......................................... 126

59. Godet or Organ-pipe Plait; Gore of Umbrella Skirt ................ 128

60. Draft of Pattern for a Kimono Night-gown ....................... 131

61. Draft of Pattern for Straight Drawers .......................... 133

62. Draft of Pattern for Circular Drawers ........................... 134

63. Designs Showing Arrangement of Tucks, Plaits and Box Plaits ..... 138

64. Method of Marking and Laying Side Box and Simulated Box Plaits. 141 
65. Method of Combining Pieces of Six-gore Skirt Pattern to Design a 
      Four-gored Skirt..   ................................... 145 
66. Method of Designing Circular Skirts from Six-gore Pattern........ 147

67. Method of Designing Skirts with Plaits or Tucks at Seams, Using 
      Gored Patterns ...................................... 149 
68. Method of Designing Plaited Skirts............................ 152 
69. Method of Designing Waists from Flat Pattern ................... 155

70. Several Arrangements of Stripes or Plaits ....................... 157

71. Bishop Sleeve and Sleeve Without Fulness at Top ............... 158 
72. Designing Close-fitting Sleeve from  hirtwaist Pattern ............ 159

73. One-piece Sleeves Designed from Two-seam Sleeve Pattern ........ 160

74. Yoke and Sailor Collar Designed from Shirtwaist Pattern .......... 161

75. Dress Form Padded with Tissue Paper to Fill Out Fitted Lining .... 163

76. Drafted Pattern, Placed on Material for Cutting Out, Showing Marks 
      for Seam Allowance .........................................  164 
77. Close-fitting Waist Basted for Fitting ............................ 165

78. Close-fitting Sleeve Basted for Fitting Padded Sleeve for Draping...
79. Alterations in Close Fitted Lining ..............................  168

80. Draping a Simple W aist ......................... ............  172 
81. Making Cardboard Sleeve and Collar ............................ 173 
82. Draping Mousquetaire Sleeve and Collar over Cardboard Forms... 175 
83. Draping Sleeve Over Padded Form .............................. 176 
84. Collar D esign ing ..............................................  177

85. Collar D esigning .............................................. 179

86. Skirt Draping ......................................... ......  180 
87-88. Alteration of Waist Patterns ................................ 184

89-90. Alteration of Waist Patterns ............................... 185