7e see many more steamers on t-e Mediterrean tzian, we
on the Atlantic. This big,--or fair--sized, steamer
going in the same direction as we are. It has a yellow
smoke stack. We are overtaking still another boat, of
smaller size.
I discovered this morning at breakfast that two
young ladies who sit opposite us at table have reserva-
tions for the same performance of the Passion Play as
we have, July 2nd and 3rd. They say, two ladies whose
chairs are near theirs, are also booked for the same
date; so we shall see some of our fellow voyagers at
Oberammergau. The bell has just rung for "church"
but it is too lovely on deck to go into the stuffy
cabin, and we prefer to sit outside and watch the "Shores
of Morocco," and the ships. It is lovely this morning.
I could cruise on, for weeks, on a summer sea like this.
We reach Algiers this afternoon, they "say" at three
o'clock, and leave at 10 P. M. I wish all the home
folks could be sitting here with us this morning. I
know everybody at home is thinking of us this morning,
same as we are thinking of them.