tell, "just what is the matter," and now we have seen so
many and had them explained we are beginning to to know
the very bad cases ourselves, not that we know very much
about it, but we have had it explained several times.
There's one girl with a "small heart!" She has "T. B.'s
in the top of one lung." This was the occasion of an
attempted joke in German by the Doctor W risek.    "Which
is better? a young lady with a heart too small or a
young lady with a heart too large!" That was the first
day we appeared on the scene when they thought Nan's
heart was larger than it ought to be! Then a German
tries to be funny "it's to laugh!"
There's 'another picture of a young girl's heart,
"with Bright's disease," and another of a Doctor's heart
with myocarditis, (alcohol the cause.) Then there is
the richest man in Austria that I told you about before
(cause tobacco--twenty cigars per diem,) and lots of
others, some worse than others. Dr. Hoke assures us
his heart is "all 0. K.;" he has had it "taken in a
cold bath and also in a hot one; all the same he has a
fine healthy heart!" he says.
Last evening when we came in from our walk, we found
a German book on the table which he sent in for Nan to