July 24, '1O.
Yesterday was very cool and cloudy, with a sprinkle
of rain now and then. It seemed like a day in autumn.
It was the day to "pause" in the baths; so we took three
walks out past the witches' House, or as they call it
in German the "Hexen Haus." Nan is quite disappointed
to find it merely a summer-house and not a barometer.
When we first saw the old woman's head peering out of
the window, we thought it was a giant barometer and it
foretold pleasant weather! "No," the Dr. says it is
"Just ornamental." Well, where there's no bath to take
there isn't much going on for us, especially if it is
too chilly to sit on a bench under the trees, as it was
yesterday. You could sit still a few minutes, but not
long. So when it isn't very pleasant weather and there's
no bath, we have to write letters and read and take
walks. I am now at the "Franz Josef's Bad" where Nan
is now taking her bath. While we were waiting for the
room, the Dr. showed us a lot of photographs of other
patients' "heart action." They can tell, the Doctors
can tell, I mean,--luckily the patients can't, because
they don't know enough about it,--but the Doctors can