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bably they wi oe "all O. K." hen t zo
down. Nan is enjoyir. to ster'r     a         -
air, after being cooped up in the stateroom from Wednes-
day night till Sunday noon. A lady who sits opposite
us at table comes from San Diego, Cal., and used to know,.
Mrs. Hyde and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stearns. We don't know
her name; so we call her "San diego." A friend who sits
next to her Nan calls "The Buster," and the lady next to
her at table Nan calls the "Rip Snorter!" The latter
has crossed the Atlantic fourteen times and made the
Mediterranean trip seventeen times, besides going to
Norway, and Bermuda, and a few other places, and what
she does not know, isn't worth mentioning. A very sweet
Boston lady who sits next to Nan, appeared for the sec-
ond time on.rip to-night. Nan came to the table for
the first time at dinner to-night,after a nice time on
deck this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. McMynn came and s; oke
to us, and Miss Sumner came and visited us for a fe'-
minutes and so did Mr. Howard of Denver, Col., t-
tleman to whom Mrs. Woodward gave a card intra       in
to us. We haven't met his Aunt yet. Everybody ia
seemed rather dejected so far, and to-day is the