S. i. Canopic, 7ite sar Line,
Thursday, May 5, 1910.
Tuesday we made the trip from Troy to Bosto>,  c
panied by Mr. Brewster and stopped over night at Youn's
Hotel. The steamer sailed at 4 P. M. on Wednesday, May
4th, from Charlestown. We found the steamer packed
with people going and friends seeing then off, but we
hurried right down to our room (flo. 58), which is very
nice--outside room-- two berths and a couch (which we had
made up into a bed later on.) I had that and Nan the
regular lower berth. I made various trips to the deck to
see if there were any of our Cambridge friends to see us
off, as BrTew did not know them; and of course the crowd
was so great I could not find them, and gave up looking
for them after a while. Later Mr. and Mrs. Sargent and
Mrs. Murdock found us in our state room, and we had a
nice little visit. Mr. and Mrs. Pray were "very sor -,
but they both were detained by previous engagements and2
could not possibly get to the boat." They "sr
love." Mr. and Mrs. Sargent brought Nan a bier
ful pink carnations, just the color of Brew's lovely roses
and Mrs. Murdock brought some lovely sweet peas, and wt
Mrs, Aller's vretty a   NellTw daisier a -d M7rs. a ,4,-