eveniing on decK af ter dinner.
History (Anc. and European  in Leia  Sta.....:..
a chum of Mr. Phil Knowlton's. Another is an instru c>
in Physics in Harvard--I think his name is Brider:.
The third is from near Boston,--and drawls--and w:
haven't discovered his previous condition of servit a-
yet. They come aruund occasionally and chat a little.
Nan says she has not talked to so many young men since
she left for Albany two years ago! But it is not under-
miniing her constitution so far; so I am not alarmed at
the situation. We have been sitting on deck all day,
and have just had tea, and a visit from two ladies who
sit at our table. The water is rather rough and it is
quite windy, but not cold. We have a few drops of rain
occasionally, kind of squally.
I forgot to say that I tried the new camera for
the first time yesterday. I am afraid my efforts
are not very successfuAl, and shrall. be anxious to s  if
I get anythin;.
May 13, '10. Friday, P. M.
Yesterday morning early we arrived at Funchal, and
as breakfast was at seven o'clock, I managed to get on
s    before ei-ht oloc 1. Nan diid not -o ashore. She