The function of the Wisconsin Mining School is to train practical
mining engineers and foremen, but in recent years some of its grad-
uates have gone into highway construction work. Two courses are
offered. The regular three-year course for students who are not high
school graduates and the two-year course for high school graduates.
Pupils who complete the latter course can transfer to the University
of Wisconsin or any other engineering school with two full years'
credit or can complete the third year of the regular course and receive
a diploma from the mining school. Tuition is free to residents of the
state and $50 per year is charged nonresidents. Both groups pay the
regular laboratory fees.


Commander-in-chief: Governor PHILIP F. LA FOLLETTE.

                  Adjutant General's Department
Adjutant General: BRIG. GEN. RALPH M. IMMELL.
Assistant Adjutant General and Finance Officer: LT. COL. NICHOLAS
Director, Pension, Bonus, Rehabilitation, and Graves Registration Di-
    visions: MAJOR JOHN F. MULLEN.

                      Quartermaster's Corps
Chief Quartermaster: LT. COL. HARRY G. WILLIAMS.

                       Medical Department
Chief Surgeon: Colonel WILLIAM F. LORENZ.

Offices: Adjutant General, State Capitol; Chief Quartermaster,
     Camp Douglas.
 State Military Reservation: Camp Williams (Post Office, Camp
 Total personnel, January 1935 (Adjutant General's Department)": 16.
 Expenditures, fiscal year 1933-34: $194,829.82.
 Appropriations, 1935-37   (per  year):   General administration,
     $195,000; maintenance of armories, $3,000; marking veterans'
     graves, $3,500; purchase of new military property and of land
     and improvements at Camp Williams, moneys received for lost
     military property and reimbursements by the federal government
     for expenses incurred by the state in equipping the National
     Guard in the World War.
 Publications: Biennial report; Wisconsin veterans laws; Roster of
     units and commissioned officers.
   Originally the development of the state military force was the only
 responsibility of the Wisconsin National Guard. Since the World