Commissioners:   CHARLES L. HILL, c h a i r m a n; J. D. BECK;
Secretary: 0. J. THOMPSON.
Counsel: R. M. ORCHARD.
Senior Statistician: WILLIAM KIRSCH.

Divisions: Livestock Sanitation, Dr. W. WISNICKY, director; Mar-
    kets, W. L. WITTE, chief; Dairy and Food, HARRY KLUETER, chief
    chemist; Fairs and State Development, R. E. AMMON, chief; Feed
    and Fertilizer, WALTER GRIEIM, director; Seed and Weed, A. L.
    STONE, director; Entomology, E. L. CHAMBERS, state entomolo-
    gist; Agricultural Statistics, WALTER H. EBLING, agricultural
    statistician; Horse Breeding and Dog Licensing, 0. J. THOMPSON,

Office: State Capitol. Laboratories located at University of Wis-
    consin and State Fair Grounds at West Allis.
Total personnel, December 1934: 151 permanent, 60 occasional
Expenditures, fiscal year 1933-34: General administration, $375,-
    354.70; bovine tuberculosis eradication, $126,702.96; State Fair,
    $147,24,3.58; other expenditures, $32,492.89. Receipts: State
    Fair, $103,577.80; other receipts, $182,308.30.
Appropriations, 1935-37: General administration, $356,360 per year;
    bovine tuberculosis eradication, $221,000 in 1935-36 and there-
    after $228,000 annually; state fair: $25,000 per year plus re-
    ceipts for operation, $10,000 per year for maintenance, $3,200
    per year for concessions; oleomargarine law enforcement, $2,000
    per year; $34,000 per year for radio stations WHA and WLBL;
    dog licenses, necessary expenditures, from receipts; licensing of
    fruit and vegetable graders, receipts; deputy treasury agents,
    10% of collections as salary; all receipts under the law regulating
    milk distribution constitute the milk control fund and a sum suf-
    ficient is appropriated annually from that fund for administra-
    tion of the milk control law; annually, $50,000 to advertise Wis-
    consin and its dairy products.
Publications: Biennial Report; Wisconsin Crop and Livestock Re-
    porter (issued in-cooperation with the U. S. Bureau of Agricul-
    tural Economics); Wisconsin Agriculture (annual statistical re-
    port); Wisconsin Dairy Statistics (annual); State Fair Premium