CURRdENT      EDERAL AGENCIES                   459

   The purpose of this corporation is to maintain and operate Govern-
 ment-owned properties in the vicinity of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, and
 to secure a unified development and control of the water resources of
 the Tennessee River and its tributaries. Its work includes the build-
 ing of dams, power plants, and transmission lines; the development of
 fertilizers; and, under the immediate direction of the President, a pro-
 gram of social and economic planning with the aim of promoting the
 social and economic welfare of the region and of the nation. This in-
 cludes soil-erosion prevention, forestation, the better and fuller
 uses of mineral resources, and experimentation with respect to deter-
 mining the relative costs of the production, distribution, and trans-
 mission of power under conditions of public and private operation.

 USIS-United States Information Service
       Harriet M. Root, Chief
       Room 500, Commercial National Bank Building
       1405 G Street, NW
       Washington, D. C.
   This service was established by the National Emergency Council to
 assist the public in obtaining information on the different Government
 agencies and their activities. It is equipped with a well-trained staff
 and is kept currently informed on subjects relating to Executive Or-
 ders, changes in departmental organization, and other developments
 of public interest. Visitors to Washington may use the service as a
 central bureau through which to contact the agencies of the Govern-
 ment concerned with their particular problems.

 WPA-Works Progress Administration
       Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator
       Room 216, Walker-Johnson Building
       1734 New York Avenue, NW
       Washington, D. C.

       General Ralph M. Immell, Administrator
       149 East Wilson Street
       Madison, Wisconsin
  This agency is responsible to the President for the honest, efficient,
speedy, and coordinated execution of the work relief program as a
whole, and for the execution of that program in such manner as to
move from the relief rolls to work on public works projects the max-
imum number of persons in the shortest time possible.
  Applications for work relief projects under $25,000 for construc-
tion purposes and not involving a loan, together with all work projects
for non-construction purposes, are to be filed with the local or State
Administrator of the Works Progress Administration.