FLB-Federal Land Bank
      Albert S. Goss, Commissioner
      Room 712, 1300 E Street, NW
      Washington, D. C.

      Roy A. Nelson, President
      Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul
      348-352 Jackson Street
      St. Paul, Minnesota
  This agency makes long-term, low-interest-bearing loans for "gen-
eral agricultural purposes" upon first mortgages on farm lands. To
be eligible to borrow, an applicant must be engaged in farming opera-
tions, or the principal part of his income must be derived from farm-
ing operations. Corporations are not eligible to borrow. Applica-
tions should be made to the secretary-treasurer of the National Farm
Loan Association in the community in which the farm is offered as
security. Local bank officials can direct the applicant to the nearest
secretary-treasurer of these associations.

FSHC-Federal Subsistence Homesteads Corporation
       Charles E. Pynchon, General Manager
       Room 209, 1800 E Street, NW
       Washington, D. C.

       E. L. Middleton, Field Organizer
       308 U. S. Court House Building
       Chicago, Illinois
   This agency, created and supervised by the Secretary of the Inte-
rior, was formed to aid, through the establishment of subsistence
homesteads, the redistribution of the overbalance of population in in-
dustrial centers. Because of limited funds, its program so far has
been confined to a series of demonstration projects which will test out
the practicability of different types of homestead communities under
the varying sets of social and economic conditions found in different
parts of the country.

FSLIC-Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
       John H. Fahey, Chairman
       Room 7500 New Post Office Building
       12th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
       Washington, D. C.

       * A. F. Wanta, Agent
       206 Guaranty Building
       Milwaukee, Wisconsin
   This corporation was created to insure the safety of accounts of
 iiivestors and depositors in thrift and home-financing institutions.