We pledge ourselves to lighten the tax load upon real estate and
 to adjust the penalties and interest upon tax delinquencies in order
 that they may be practical, fair and equitable.

   The welfare of Wisconsin depends upon the well-being and pros-
 perity of persons engaged in agricultural pursuits. We therefore
 believe our farmers are entitled to the cost of production plus a rea-
 sonable profit. We will continue to advocate that the Federal Gov-
 ernment purchase dairy surpluses. We reiterate our adherence to,
 the principle of co-operative marketing, and we shall give every aid
 possible to agricultural co-operative movements. We commend Gov-
 ernor Schmedeman's leadership in establishing the Wisconsin Farm
 Credit Administration which has rendered invaluable assistance to the
 debt-stricken farmers of this state by adjusting and refinancing their
   We pledge our efforts to promote the increased use and consump-
tion of Wisconsin dairy products throughout the state and nation.
   We favor revision of the laws of this state, relating to the ex-
 emption of the personal property of farmers from seizure and sale
 upon execution, along more liberal lines.
   We condemn the unwarranted and selfish practices of large dairy
interests, which throughout the depression have deprived the farmer
of his just share of the consumer's dollar; have coined millions out of
his suffering; and to that end we pledge legislation aimed to remedy
conditions within the state and to set the legal machinery of the
state in motion to act nationally if it becomes necessary.
   We favor the reorganization of the Department of Agriculture and
Markets for the purpose of making it an effective organization for the
benefit of the Wisconsin farmer.

                           Public Utilities
   We pledge ourselves to support President Roosevelt's national power
program in Wisconsin and co-operate with the Federal Power Com-
mission, co-ordinating both our national and state public utility pro-
grams for the common gocd. Substantial results have been achieved
by our enactment of laws and the co-operation of the state adminis-
tration with the Public Service Commission. Hundreds of thousands
of dollars have been saved to the consumer thereby.
  We pledge ourselves to a thorough and effective supervision and
regulation of all utilities in the interest of the consumers. We be-
lieve in the right of people to own and operate utilities where it is
necessary to protect the consumers as to rates and satisfactory service.
We believe that municipally owned utilities should receive the co-op-
eration of the Public Service Commission in the interest of the public.
  We pledge ourselves to use every effort to obtain a lower cost of
electrical energy, gas, and telephone service in the state.