EMERGENCY BOARD                            303

no employes but it was authorized by the 1933 Legislature to employ
help if necessary. The Governor is ex officio chairman of the board
and calls meetings at least once each quarter, and carries on all its
correspondence. The two legislative members are reimbursed their
expenses and receive ten dollars per day while attending meetings or
while performing services requested by the Governor.
  The main function of the Emergency Board is to take care of un-
expected contingencies arising in state finances. For this purpose an
appropriation of $200,000 per year is made to the board to be allotted
by it to state departments and institutions to tide them over unfore-
seen emergencies and to supplement appropriations which prove in-
   Another function of the board is to pass on proposed increases in
state salaries. No department is allowed to raise any salary without
its approval. Some appropriations also are made conditional upon
release by the board. In 1933 the appropriations for legislative in-
terim committees and committees set up by the Governor under the
National Recovery Act were made to this board to be allotted as it
saw fit. There is a distinct tendency to vest additional and in-
creased powers in the Emergency Board during periods when the
legislature is not in session.
   According to the law enacted in the regular session of 1935 the
board may reduce any appropriation made to a board, commission,
bureau, or department, or to the university for the fiscal years ending
June 30, 1936 and June 30, 1937 by such amount as it deems feasible,
but not to exceed twenty-five per cent of the appropriations for these
years. Appropriations made to the Secretary of State for motor ve-
hicle registration, to the State Treasurer for administration of the
gas, beer, and liquor taxes, and appropriations for charitable, school,
and highway aids may not be reduced.