FFMC-Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation
      W. I. Meyers, President
      1300 E Street, NW
      Washington, D. C.

      Roy A. Nelson, Agent
      Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul
      348-352 Jackson Street
      St. Paul, Minnesota
  This agency aids in financing the lending operations of the Federal
land banks and the Land Bank Commissioner by issuing Federal Farm
Mortgage Bonds, the payment of whose principal and interest are un-
conditionally guaranteed by the United States Government.

FHA--Federal Housing Administration
      Stewart McDonald, Administrator
      Room 106, Vermont Avenue and K Street, NW
      Washington, D. C.

      Albert G. Schmedeman, State Director
      1800 Mariner Tower
      Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  The purpose of this agency is to stimulate a revival of home build-
ing and improvement by providing the simplest and cheapest home
financing ever offered. To further this program the administrator is
authorized to insure home-financing institutions against losses sus-
tained as a result of the advances of credit made by them for the pur-
pose of financing alterations, repairs, and improvements upon real
property-up to 20 per cent of the total amount of such loans with no
individual loan exceeding $2,000. The administrator may also insure
mortgages on residential property refinanced and on new home con-
struction; but no mortgage in excess of $16,000 or for more than 80
per cent of the appraised value is eligible for this insurance. Nat-
ional Mortgage Associations are also provided, whose purpose will be
to purchase and sell first mortgages and issue debentures which, it is
expected, will give a new liquidity to the mortgage-fund market and
thereby encourage our financial institutions to be less hesitant about
investing in long-term loans.

FHLBB-The Federal Home Loan Bank Board
      John H. Fahey, Chairman
      Room 7500, New Post Office Building
      12th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
      Washington, D. C.

      A. R. Gardner, President
      7 South Dearborn Street
      Chicago, Illinois