Dairy and Food Division
  The Dairy and Food Division, originally an independent department,
had a splendid record of public service under the leadership of men
of the calibre of the late J. Q. Emery. This division not only en-
forces provisions of regulatory laws for the protection of public health
and the elimination of fraud but also supervises testing, condemning
or sealing all manner of weighing and measuring devices used com-
mercially. It tests food samples which assures the consumer of a
safe food supply measured out to them by devices known to be ac-
curate. It also writes most of the licenses in the state which annually
amount to more than a quarter of a million dollars.

                    Fairs and State Development
  This division supervises the seventy-six county fairs of the state
and is directly responsible for the management of the Wisconsin State
Fair held at Milwaukee. It also advises city workers and those who
formerly lived or worked on farms when they seek help and advice
concerning their return to the land. If this help can be given by send-
ing out bulletins published by the department it is done, but in most
cases personal letters giving advice and suggestions are written.
During the last four years the department in cooperation with other
state groups has investigated conditions to the end that lands now tax
delinquent may be brought back on the pay roll.

             Feed and Fertilizer, Seed and Weed Control
  Both the Feed and Fertilizer and the Seed and Weed Divisions exist
for the protection of the farmer against the sale of fraudulent prod-
ucts. Thousands of samples are collected and tested each year and
the results are published. For this reason business in these com-
modities is carried on by reliable dealers. The quality of our seeds,
therefore, ranks high, even though it may be slightly higher in price
than in other states.

                  Insect and Plant Disease Control
   This division has charge of insect and plant disease control. It
checks nursery stock offered for sale and inspects trees and shrubs
which are to be transported. Foul brood in bees, barberry eradica-
tion, and white pine blister rust are other problems with which this
division deals.
                        Agricultural Statistics
   The Division of Agricultural Statistics works in cooperation with
the federal government and compiles statistics on all farm crops and
dairy products. The crop reporters throughout the state who send in
this information  are farmers who render this service without