384          (192) WRIGHT DIRUOCTOR  00.'S 
Millhiser Win M -barber r1l2 Prospect av 
Milligan John H (Louise) tinner Douglas Hdw Co h24 8 
Mills Luther L (Louise) tray h2O9 Milton av 
Mills Rose M elk J M Boetwick & gons r824 N Chatham 
Mills Wm C lather h324 N Chatham 
Miltimore Chauncey K (Cynthia). h4ll S Main 
Miltipiore Dell C money order elk P 0 r411 8 Main 
Miltimore Mellie r411 8 Main 
Minick Frank r212 Water 
Minnick Chas lab r312 Riverside 
Minnick Frank A lab r1082 Jerome av 
Minnick John H (LAura) sheet metalwkr Fisher Body St 
Louis Co h1039 Jerome av 
Minnick Simon A (Lisa) spraymn Fisher Body St Louis 
Co h1506 Josephine 
Miripolski Wm (Della) gro 425 Ringold h167 S Jackson 
Mister Clarence lab r22 N High 
Mitchell Alf W (Mabel) weaver h412 Center av 
Mitchell Edw E (Mittie) Janitor Jeffris Flats h316 Dodge 
Mitchell Geo M (Ethel) mgr Henry Carlson Bill Posting Co 
h403 S Jackson 
Mitchell Michl groundmn Wis Power & Light Co r$38 8 
Mitchell Theo lab Chevrolet Motor Co r6l S Jackson 
Model Tailors (C R Carpenter) 817 W Milwaukee 
Modern Housing Corporation Lucius A Markham mgr 
1000-1300 Industrial av 
Modem Woodmen of America T L Mason elk 115 E Mil- 
Moe Carl milk receiver Bowman Dairy Co rill S Locust 
Moe Herbert A (Loons M) formn C M & St PRy h4 
Moolk Jacob (Minnie) h501 4th av 
Moolk Jacob Jr student r609 4th av 
Mooricke Delmar R student rUl20 Ravine 
Moericke Theo W (Hertha) formn h1l10 Ravine 
Moeser Emily asst libr Janesville Public Library r620 
Prame av 
10SER hARRY A (1m), Real aste Learns, Invest. 
matsa aud Stemsip ALt 11 n      w uheo, Phone 
69N b     rukbAv, Phme 1019 (asepeeo p  4) 
Mower Vera sten r530 Praio &v 
Mohns David V' maeh opr Parker Pen Co r40 N 1t 
Moihs Ether r7 8 Fremont aw 
Mahn$ Leslie student r116 Whoeler 
UMr Thoo J (Reneta) cement contr 1106 Wheeler h do 
Motos Wan H (Minnie) aseb opr Pakter Pen Co h810 N 
CRONIN DAMYCO            tY 
Gummy MI&k Cre and bse Cem 
120 W. Restem Ave.       Tehphism 647