Jim Schmitt poses
feet over Madison.

for Jack Severson at 5000

  The Badger Skydivers, a campus
organization for nearly 12 years, has
seen a tremendous growth in interest
and activity. During the last few years
the club has trained some 40 first
jump students annually, while retain-
ing a core of 10 to 15 active jumpers.
  The club's drop zone is located at
Richland County Airport, at Sexton-
ville, a 50 mile drive west of Madison.
Parachuting activities can be ob-
served nearly any weekend.
  Members agree, freefall parachut-
ing and the inevitable post jump so-
cializing make skydiving the exciting
and satisfying sport it is.

Bottom Row: J. Turnquist, C. Turnquist, C.
Smith, J. Schmitt, M. Langenfeld. Row 2: D.
Blake, S. Krugel, K. Clark, D. Patterson, J.
Severson, J. Schraeder.