placed around the waist with its lower edge just at the nor- 
mal waist line. The general appearance of the skirt, its fit, 
hang, and length, and the direction of the waist and the 
bottom lines may all be observed and the skirt and belt 
may be attached. If the fitting is carefully done and the 
work which follows is equally careful, at the second fitting 
the skirt may be nearly completed and a finished fitting 
may follow. 
  The fitting of the skirt and the alterations which any 
changes necessitate are practically the same as for the 
foundation skirt, which are given in detail under Drafting 
and need not be repeated here. 
               VI. Making and Finishing 
  After a skirt is properly fitted and basted it is ready 
for the finishing. Many different kinds of finishes are 
required not only because of the four general types of 
skirts but also because of the great variety of style and 
material possible in each type. For instance, a tailored 
skirt may be plain or plaited, may have few seams or 
many, may be made of wool, silk, linen, or cotton. For 
such a skirt at least three or four different finishes are 
possible for the seams and an equal nhmber for the placket 
and belt. The choosing of suitable finishes for any skirt 
must necessarily be a question of good judgment rather 
than an attempt at strict adherence to any one rule. For 
this reason only a few directions for finishings are given 
here, with suggestions for their application to the different 
kinds of skirts. These directions include only a few of the 
many methods by which practically the same results may 
be achieved. Each skirt presents its own special problem 
of design and material, and the finishings chosen should be 
such as to meet that problem. 
  The finishing of a skirt usually requires: 
  (i) Stitching and finishing seams. 
  (2) Planning and making the placket. 
  (3) Attaching the belt and finishing at the waist. 
  (4) Finishes for the bottom of skirts, the edges of tunics, 
overskirts, flounces, etc. 