each Side the central Line which terminates the
O~olo A, in Plate V.  Alfo fet 40 Minutes on
each Side for the Proje&ion of the Fillet B; 38
for the Proje&ion of the Caveto C, and 3~ for
the Ovolo IE.  The Proje&ion of the Fillet G,
is its own Height and two thirds thereof, over
which the Aftragal proje&s half its own Height.
The next Thing in order to complete this Capital,
is to defiribe its Volutes as following.

P R 0 B. X.    To de/cribe the lonick Volute,
                  Plate VII.
  (i.) Divide aX, a given Height of a Capital,
4nto 3 Parts, and the upper i Part in 2 Parts
at c, and proceed to complete all the Members as
taught in the laft Problem.  ('z.) On p the Cen-
ter of the Aifragal defcribe the Circle r ox q for
the Eye of the Volute, through whofe Center p,
draw the perpendicular Line n a p q 4, alfo the
horizontal Line rp s, at right Angles thereto;
~nd complete the Geometrical Squares r o x
whofe Sides divide each into two equal Parts at
the Points 2~ I, 3, 4, and draw the Diameters 2, ~.;
and. 1, 3.  (s.) Divide each Semidiameter into 3
equal Parts, at the Points 6, ~ 5, 9; 11, 7;
and 12, 8; then the Points i 2 3 4567 89 10
II 12, are 12 Centers on which the Out-line of
the Volute is defcribed; for the Point x is the
Center of the Arch n b; the Point 2, of the Arch
b e:; the Point 3, of the Arch eg; the Point 4, of
the Arch gh; the Point ~, of the Arch hk, &c.
(4.) Divide W Z in 4 Parts; the upper i equal
to n a, is the Breadth of the Lifl; which divide
in 12 Parts, of which make bc equal to II; ed
equal to 10; gf equal to 9; hi equal to 8;
k I equal to 7, &c. fill diminiflaing  at every
Quarter.   This done, divide the Diftance between
every two Centers, as between 2 and 6; i and ~,
&c. into ~ Parts, and the i 2 outermolt ones will
be the 72 Centers, on which the inward Line of
the Lif~ may be defcribed, which from the Point a
will pafs through tl~e Points c df i 1, &c. and
complete the Volute as required.
 - To make the lonick VoJ.ute well ~n~lerfl:ood,
I have given the Plan of a Quarter Part of its
apital, I~ig. III. Plate V[II. wheTein obferve;
that as the Volutes~ are placed anglewife, or rather
diagonally; therefore when we ifand diredly be-
fore a Column, though they are really circular,
as. in Plate VII. yet they will appear elliptical;
~s~h~ving tl~eir Breadtlis forelhortezi'd by being


feen in an oblique View; and therefore when we
make a Drawing of this Capital, the Volutesmu&
be made elliptical, as in Fig~ II. Plate VIII. -.

P R 0 B. XI.   To divide the Flutes and FiLlet
  of a round or fquare lonick Column, Fig. III.
  Plate VIII.

  Firif, Of a round Column, as the Quarter Part
M K I; divide the Circumference of the Pillar
into 24 equal Parts, and each Part into 8 Parts;
with the Radius of ~ of thofe 8 Parts, on every
of the 24 Parts, defcribe the Flutes,' as before
done in the Dorick Order.
  Secondly, Of a fquare Cohemn, as the Q~arter
Part K A L; divide each Semidiameter, or. each
Side of the Column, into 31 Parts, give 6 to each
Flute, 2 to each Fillet and Bead at the Angles,
when the Semidiameters are divided into 31 Parts;
and 3 to each Flute, and i to each Fillet, and
Bead, at the Angles, when a Side of the Column
is divided into the fame Number of Parts. On the
Right Hand, at the lower Angle of Plate VIII.
I have defcribed the Bead A at large, by which
the young Student may fee that 'tis rio more,
than three fourths of a Circle infcribed in a geo-
metrical Square.
  As the Ovolo of this Capital is generally
enriched with Eggs and Darts, commonly called
Anchors, I fhall therefore ihew at large the Man-
ner of defcribing them.

P R 0 B. XII.   To defcribe Eggs and Darts for th~
    Enrichment of an Ovolo, Fig. I. Plate VIII.

       Firif, To proportion their Dglances.
  Divide the Height into 9 Parts, and at ~he
Diftance of 7 of thofe Parts, draw the central
Lines of the Eggs and Darts.
     Secondly, To defcrike an Egg, as Fig. B.
  The Height of the central Line being divided
in 9 Parts, with a Radius equal to 3 Parts, on the
Point 6, the third Part from the Top, defcribe
a Semicircle.  On the Point 3, the third Poi~it
from the Bottom, with a Radius of. 2 Parts,
defcribe an entire Circle.  Draw down the L~ines
4 a, 4 a, each equal to 3 Parts, anJ thyough
 the Point 3, draw the Lines 4 anda c.    On
the Points a a, with the Radius a b, defcribe the
 Side Curves, which ~wil~ complete the E~g~ as