
Atkinson, G. F., 224
Atopy, 182. See also Anaphylaxis
Atwater, W. 0., 146-47, 226
Auer, John, 132, 177
Avenzoar, 20
Avery, 0. T.: pneumococci, 175-77; men-
  tioned, 103, 168, 325, 328, 330
Avicenna, 65
Azotobacter, 226

Babcock, S. M., 264
Babes, Victor, 124-25
Babesia bigemina (formerly Piroplasma bi-
   gemina), 124-25
Bacillus anthracis. See Anthrax
Bacillus campestriS, 277
Bacillus caratovorus. See Pathology
Bacillus cholerae suis, 1222
Bacillus diphtheriae: diagnosis, 16o; carriers,
 Bacillus paradysenteriae, 165, 170
 Bacillus pestis. See Plague
 Bacillus phaseoli, 231
 Bacillus prodigiosus, vi
 Bacillus solanacearum, 231
 Bacillus tracheiphilus, 229, 23 i
 Bacillus tuberculosis, 94
 Bacillus tumefaciens, 230, 231
 Bacillus typhosus: thermal death point, 299-
    300. See also Typhoid fever
 Bacon, Francis, 87
 Bacteria: nitrifying, 1'3, 256; physiology,
    variation, 148-49; respiration, 243-44;
    elective localization, 254-55, 276; men-
    tioned, 222, 277-78
 Bacteriology: historical background of, 3-4,
    51; early courses in 5, 88, 102, 109, 117,
    157, 195-96; methods, 6, 21, 275, 323-29;
    nineteenth-century, 96-98; dairy, 147-48,
    183, 184, 221-25; soil, 147-48, 201-2,
    225-26, 268, 297; rhizobia, 148, 226,
    268; taxonomy, 184-85, 198, 203, 277-78;
    stains and staining methods, i85; drying
    cultures from frozen state, 186; dye indi-
    cators, 221 ; hanging block, 223; anaero-
    biosis, 242; veterinary, 269; cultivation
    from single cell, 279. See also Microbiology
  Bacterium tularense, 212, 273, 296-97
  Baker, H. F., 228
  Baldwin, I. L., 268, 327
  Bang, Bernhard, 6, 213, 216
  Banting, F. G., 173
  Banzhaf, E. J., 163
  Barber, M. A., 278-79, 280
  Bardeen, C. R., 270
  Barker, L. F., 170, 171, 259, 295


Barnes, C. R., 263
Barreto, L., 62
Barros, A. de, 62
Bartlet, L. R., 209
Bartlett, C. J., 145, 150
Barton, A. L., i8o
Bartonella bacilliformis, 18o
Bary, A. de, 227-28
Bass, C. C., 280
Bassi, Agostino, 20
Bastian, H. C., 44
Bateson, W., 18
Bauer, J. H., 63
Bayle, G. P., 77
Bayne-Jones, Stanhope, 103
Beach, B. A., 269
Beauperthuy, Louis-Daniel, 53-54
Beebe, A. L., 161-62
Behring, Emil, 7, 128, 131, 163, 194, 263
Beijerinck, M. W., 6o, 226, 268
Belafield, W. T., 248
Bellevue Medical College, New York, 157
Belloc, Hilaire, 30
Bentham, Jeremy, 84
Bergey, D. H., 184-85, 197-98, 242, 315
Berzelius, J. J., i8
Bessey, E. A., 277
Best, C. H., 1773
Beurmann, L. de, 105
Bevan, A. D., 87
Beveridge, W. I. B., 323, 324
Beyer, G. E., 62
Bible, 9-1o, 83, 204, 214, 307
Bibliographies, 318
  Bierring, W. L., 276-77
  Biggs, H. M., 151, 157-6o, 163, 185, 206
  Billings, Frank, 276
  Billings, J. S., 90, 94, 102, 196, 318
  Bioletti, F. T., 246, 306, 307
  Biologicals: standardization, 207; alleged
    cures, 2 13-14
  Birge, E. A., 250, 263
  Bitter Root Valley, 276, 285-89
  Blackhead of poultry, 130
  Bleile, A. M., 273
  Blight, plant, 228, 249
  Bloomfield, A. L., 318
  Blumer, George, 185
  Boccaccio, Giovanni, 12-13, 294
  Bolduan, Charles, 164
  Bonomo, G. C., 20
  Booker, W. D., 95
  Boophilus bovis. See Carriers, arthropod
  Bordet, Jules, 97, 178, 300, 302
  Borrelia nOVyi, 243
  Borrelia recurrentis, 243