The Great Metropolis and New York State       189
therefore less virulent for rabbits. From these and other experiments,
environmental factors always loomed large in Trudeau's view of the
tuberculous process.
  The development of the cottage sanitarium at Saranac, the subse-
quent rapid growth of similar institutions throughout the country with
emphasis on the bed-rest treatment, the Saranac Laboratory with its
succession of competent investigators and scholarly publications, the
American Trudeau Association as the medical division of the National
Tuberculosis Association, these-were the monuments to a sick opti-
mistic dreamer. Honors were his from all sides, with some achieve-
ment in the treatment of tuberculosis and warm appreciative friends
to carry on. "We have the sanitarium now but the hope of the future
in the laboratory" was his constant theme. I wonder what Trudeau
would have accomplished if he had not repeatedly suffered from tuber-
culosis. Would he not (in all probability) have been another successful
New York City physician, without major achievements?33