A CHUM*N  -PIECB  of marble, designed and  and graceful composition, to
which the two     The Russian contributions to the Crystal
manufactured by Messrs. JosEPH BROWNS & Co., principal figures impart
a novelty that is carried  Palace evince a large amount of costly splendoup
of London, is a well-executed work. from a light  out by the ornamentation
of the other parts.  combined with quaint and characteristic design,

  The BRONZE- FOUNTAIN is. the production of l or mythologically, connected
with the element
Mr. JAMES, of Lambeth, and is of                         it is destined to
display. It is a
very appropriate design, inasmuch                        small work, a model,
in fact, but
as all the accessories are really,                       all the details
are carefully carried

                  showing much fancy in the Art-manufacturers
                  who have been engaged in their fabrication. In
                  other pages of our Catalogue, Bny of the

                        out, and it is worked by a miniature st         
                 ~~larger Russian works appear; we here devote

                                       1X1' engine, of singularly excellent
construction,  two columns to specimens of the silver cups
                        outandit i woked  y aminitur  stem-  ngin, o sinulaly
eceleut onsructon, which occuPY so important a position 'in the de-
                                               s | ~~~~~6