So e rich and eI.borate carving will be seen  form the frame-work of the
glass, while the whole  This column is devoted to a series of VASES,
in   e SIDEBOARD, panufaotured by Messrs. of the carving shows great elegance
of design   executed in white terra-cotta, by Messrs Dom-
TRo LOP & SONS, 0 London.    There is con- united with exceeding delicacy
in the manipula-
side ble novelty ofjAlesign in the pillars that tion; it has been executed
at a very large cost.

               TON & WATT, of Lambeth, whose attention has
               only recently been directed to objects of an

               artistic character; those we have engraved may
               be regarded as a prelude to further success.,

               which increased experience must insure. The
               use of terra-cotta, or of artificial stone, as applied

 From numerous specimens, of engrved and ILondon, we have selected several
and formed
cut GL~AMss contributed, by Mr. W. NAYLOR, of them into a group, which will
exhibit their

               to obj ects of art and of decoration, is by no
               means new in this country, although sch appli-

                     .'Iirii~~~~~~~~~~oiw fo~~~~~~~                     
              cation has been of late very limited.Half a
                                      a n dXor n a m e n t s   t o   g r
e at   a d v a n t a g e .  c e n t u r y   s in c e ,   it   w a s   c a
r r ie d   o n   t o   a   g r e a t   e x te n t
  variousform s andmornus ments to  egreatadveantage. The patterns are cut
with extreme minuteness  by Mes

                        catee of lambeth.
