Mesrs HOUmp  , o fALIJN,&Co., ofLondon,among  In our report of the
recent exhibition of the number of the Art,-TournaZ, we noticed the im-
other examples Of PAPER-HANGING, exhibit the  works from the Government Schools
of Design, portant fact of the utility of suchsholfo
panellinga portion of whichwe engrave. Arichly. at Marlborough House, published
in the April artiatiq education, which rendered it unnecessary
composed, group of flowers and foliage runs round
the entire design, which is executed with much
mme and precision, and exhibits considerable
taste in the arrangement of colours. Floral
decoration is exceedingly well applied to works

                                              for the British manufacturer
to call in foreign  of Mrs. TREADWIN, of Exeter, an eminent lace-
                                              aid. This was vividly exemplified
in the instance manufacturer, who had prepared for a continental

                                       oths di  ad  jurney to procure designs.
Fortunately, she first  petition  among the students. The successful
^ truthfully- rendered is more gratifying to the   visited Somerset House,
when the design for a   design wa   r. C. .  here en i aeds
                  eye hananyothr syleof orde oramet.  ACEFLONCEwasmade the
subject of a com-  since been worked out andishrenavd
