Tabular summary of the results of an exalmination of the contents of the
achs of 1,608 birds.
0                        C
4-4 0.
TnE ~ ~  ~   CsSC NAEaPTmFH44     .  e'4C
48        -4'.               ii. bD
.0  ~~~~~~~Cd::; +        .    a   -
c e Cs   Cs  Cd  q-4  Cd  4- d  Cs   -
CC CC C   4-4. CC  C 4  CC   C
a A. a  a a a     a.a
0~~~SS            ~       . .500
Thrushes....... ...  105  93  46  06  159  2  6  34  72,.) 3~ 15  12  18
 46  96  67  163
Blebrd ........... 27  26'1  2~4  40 ...  69  21083  .520  42911 22
Sylvias........... 161 161... 14 6511 39.2   2 3  9 14 64
Pitmice ............12112 1 12 42 ....714 152  2. 8 11'10 37
Nuthatches ..........29J 2~71026 87 1 124.  225   1027 80
Creepers .....3        2   2  6 .                    2 6
Wrens.~~~~~~:: 27  27  2  7 10 .  91   2  13   2  20  87
W agtails ...........2  2 *. 2 .6 .. . . . ....... . ..
Arnerican Warblers......246~ 241 19  218 1,118 1  1 60 184 6i133 14  28,
720  3293 211 942
Tanagers ...........29 29 4 27 120 1 1 826..7 1510 38 2.594
Swallows ...........32 32  32 281.  .     13 67 16 124 1' 109.
Waxwings.......... 15  5 13  5 18 ....  15012  7 2  7 3 4
Greenlets ...........87  85 14  62  3011  1 471114 7 88  7  9 61  113  51
Shrikes........... .  1515  157.5..46...7 811 49 1024
AmrcnF trin gss.... .........339  156 266  102  484. .35  67 5 16 13  186
24 1C38
AnirianStaligs....... 150  74 99  56  194  ...19  71 4  65  9  1& 33
19  5  139
CrowvsJays etc........33 282823 2  51.81 1.. 2  5 10 15 2242)
American Fiycatchers.....119  119  5  118  659J. 11  23 5 328 32  .53 41
 126 113 60-1
Goatsuckers .........7  7..  7 118...11162   1418 7 97
rnhinney Swifts ........ 3  1  1  2.. .......   .  .........~  1  2
Humming-Birds,.5......  5  5  17.............4  4 1  1 5 12
lXingfishers.........   6.... ..
Cuckoos .1.......... 14  4  162 .11il 83.3   3 12102.43
Woodpeckers .........110  102 41  84 ~1,864 8 245 30 166 . 6  22 41  354,
87 1993
Owls..............8   31   21 9.  1 .  10 .. . ....  19 .....
Hawks............ .  1513  121102..23...3 386602 10
Pigeons.1...........6  21i6  2 26.12 2.      1 1 15s2f.
Grouse ............8  51   4 13.225 1 51     7 730'.. ..
Plover............ .  16 16.  1478.....7151522 7 933 1361
Phalaropes ..........5  4 .  4 16 . .3101..    .  .4 20
Snipe, etc...........45  38  5  2.3  150 . 7  131. ..  5  17  3  6  35 164
Herons............ 15 15 ..11 39..421..847 1      1 7 53
Rails ............. 16  914  3  12 . ..       1   2  958
Ducks  ~      13  7 9  1  2..13.1        2...66
Gulls .............6  61.  5 28 . .36...      3   6 5 26
Grees................ 6  Oj..  5I  24. .2 15........ .  2  15  5  32
Totals ......... 1, 608 1,2431605.1,02116, 3761515296 3.23 991 38 934,164
367 515 2,0181 964 4392
VOL.I 1-30