Street view in the village of Karyes. Karyes is a small village founded in the 9th century and located at approximately the middle of the Athonite Peninsula. It is the administrative center and the capital of Mount Athos. Here, the main monasteries of the peninsula (with the exception of the nearby Koutloumousiou) keep small dependencies to represent their interests in the Athonite council. A large building at the center of Karyes is dedicated to housing the council which is also known as the Holy Community. The village of Karyes is also a popular destination for tourists and pilgrims. It features gift shops and various supply and workshops that service visitors and other monastic communities on Mount Athos. The population of Karyes is made up of laymen and monks, and it is organized more idiorhythmically than the more communal monasteries. The main church in Karyes is known as the Protaton and is one of the oldest buildings on Mount Athos.
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