hsmsuylfle ~ ,  IGe~ r   .  i   -  Iii .3  Wis. 
-      o m     4o of sar d  s 
*arm. ".W'*dgt WSn t um6 
isJeau b" somw "oUili' Mae, m ur ft sm Vast s. 
-ee0.has am OR doe buugs Wa bee iu bas.Wr 
Jamsyilh has the .11 3aWm  ANN MeWi 
Amil" amumrber of 01inms ft mW 
* Uivib"1 butsA soinewafag 9690161001 
aesyile bha 3no=. of usvd ste 
JSasofl has a m osprna dail pqW wth a cremmadh of 
Jameyfiwas theS bar of thms of hinusm mest limin 
visa. %Mmuu a WHilKd MO, Wineri WflON mad a01m Jasson 
Jamm~fe IS the Omuty seM of uehk ODmat. 
JOIN them tam .111.. of 940010 ISe wMAti mike OR Jams. 
Isassyfle Is kuea m, Ishe Na Rme a  of ItaRft." 
imoo    rau  -       anAmem 
~.rfalasio33.SUN; area, p seua"mie; AfteleG. NO st ahove 
sa lave ;&mamua Ydalm. SUYYM; heogeg AsKI P1AW; us 
tate 3 p r tLp.6;@mm at stroe" 0; mfqat oft ,U; miles 
U upulitry mv.  ;mm of stsmawsin. Aft; u  el 
tiesaliest 2ewy ;         arkauwaym no mervai. 14.1* vulm. 
$1m; Water wiheafty 13. pom~s Q0mubs; oftwas 
I as Imean of Wae    Not  a;iale at plamt,~ 
1stadim. 1; pabo sobnelm. U., psidda 
- mesm mhess.3; lmallmess  1; redme In Pulls 
I~iu'y 3M; eak e~ Urs amps00-.5; hesbms. 5 bes119a066 
1low =1UL; 
M IDSlia CA3 SI 093U 
chmaw oumarve is am atgainaim Of 
.o,~h~Isaft dft Mau Ibus. Wino are rePreess 
Ild" t b s   dfim. usmmumub mu btgnsW usimil Of Jams- 
Vift- Im m  _j  e of ft am a~vsumsi am boereivd 
ammwesg1 of upedr.. it ftheo amlvs Gu 
111m_'Flip   ft WW-s 0 somlar an man3. of bu   m.- 
==a* 1 aelsamemSi Wdde esmm mud bok 
poas^ h am0 on Obsb Of sSmIM" tftlt H adg 
 is~ =Ai the .Wmst itsalm ~ m "asses uabmi 
bes bm  muss W~ Me a anhe  d~e 60 the  dw a Ommowm 
O,hek im nO ur - - ,m- As the lOAs DeMM=s IRS SINeN 
We  i  ead" man   = tUe    ese It up-to-Ga b m 
Your 131. ve sawu a O Is. W II' te a& M emuof 
U  ineslb. 13 besuat m  U te Imy sad to ows