Eadison, i"ri sons in 
Tue sda.y, July 3.1, 1939, 10 A.!/i 
President Wilkie presiding 
PPaSENT;, Pre sident Dystra; Regents iakE-, Callahan, Campbell, Christopherson,

Gates, Glover, Hones, Kell, T {ij 11r,  1i-e. 
ABSENT:   Regents Backus, Brown, CoMbs, Head, Richards. 
Regent Backus was in Washington, D.C    on business; Regent Bronvl vas .n

New York City because of t previouso ,ergagemn-,-nt; Regent Combs was absent
because of 
the serious' illness of her husband; and fTLegent Head was detained because
of pre- 
vious engagements and. the illnoss of Eirs. Hoad, rho is still in Chicago.

The reading of the minutes of the meetinr of the Board of Reents held 
on June 16-17, 1939, was dispensed  . with and unvnisiously approved as sent
out to 
the R gents. 
The budget for the .fiso.a1 y-ar 193.9 -,0 w,;as taken up for considerstion.

Presi-ent Dykstra read his statmmat in relation to the budget, a]so presente
d a 
statemnent of income by fund,, which he explai-ned in detail to the Regents,
ama a 
condensed statement of all funds s .oein  the comparison between 1938-39
and 1939- 
40. Regent Callaan move, seconded by Rencmt Glovor, tht. the budget for 1939-40

as presented be approved and that the ..t.tontpresented by the President
be also 
approved and made a part of the record.   Regent Bcer then presented a statement

anc  moved to amend Regent Callahants notion- Regents Callahan and Glovor
thi Baker statement with the understanding that it would be included in their

motion. Called vote was then taken upon the motion to approve the budget
statements above referred- to, Regents voting "Aye" - Baer, Calla
han, Campbell, 
Christopherson,   Ga tes, Ge           ilkie (8); Regents voting "No
Miller (2).   (The statements above referred to area 
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 A  4  I ,.. .. -  -t 
_, o~Rgent ,Gstes st a.tec thutt he was voting "Aye", althouuh
be does object to 
atny morceas in fees but feels that the attitude of th-e legisladure Ifakcos
1t in- 
cumibont on ,the Board to accept such an increaso.                     ..