such onquirera, we would say that Dimook & Hart have the largest and

oldest agency in the city, and represent ome of the most lromineat 
and reliable life, accident, inland and fire companies in the United 
States. Among their numerous companies we may mention the Mutual 
Life, of N. Y., orpnized in 1842 with assets of 40,000,000; Mutual 
Benefit Life, of 1. J., organised 1846, assets $20,000,000 j Btua fire 
Insurance Compny, of Hartford, Connecticut, organised 1819, assets 
I5,600,000; Home Fire Ins. Co., of N. Y., organised 1868, asets 
P,500,000;    Republic  Fire, of Chioago, organised 1867. assets 
,000,000, and others, numbering nearly twenty, so that the public can 
here select any company they choose. Measrs. D. & H. are also real 
estate sents. Mr. Dimock has resided in Janesville about twentyAve 
years, and Mr. Hart about seventeen years, both se gentlemen highly 
esteemed for their promptness in business. 
This responsible firm was established about two years ago, since which 
time they have done an immence trade, their sales amounting the past 
a       between two and three hundred thousdnd tons. They buy the 
best article in the market, direct from the East, thus nvin the profits 
often paid to middle men, which benefit the purchaser receives. They 
not only supply private residences, stores, offices, etc., but make a 
specialty in supplying manufacturing establishments by the ton or cargo 
to suit. Their coal yard occupies nearly a block, from which is laid a 
side track in connection with the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, 
thus saying the annoyance and waste of handling. A large apply of 
coal of allkinds is constantly on hand, so that orders left at their oie

on West Milwaukee street, near the depot, will be filled promptly. We 
bespeak an extended patronage for these gentlemen, and feel to have no 
doubt that with their advantages, together with their integrity in 
U    aUUt,  UUJ wes 5tYU UObIUA0'J UU. 
We gladly yield a portion of our space to a notice of Dr. Smytb, the 
most successful specialist in the Northwest.  The doctor has opened a 
permanent establishment in the Mynse Honsu BLOCK, for the oure of 
Catarrh, Deafness, Noises in the Head, Discharges from the Ear, Affe- 
tions of the Throat and Lungs, including all diseases of a Chronic, Ob- 
scure or Debilitating nature, where the doctor will be in personal atten-

dance from the let until the 10th of each and every month. This estab- 
lishment is provided with every practical improvement and advantage, 
founded by the advanced state of medical science for the relief of hu- 
man suffering, and is worthy in every respect of public confidence. Dr. 
Smyth first located himself at this place some three years ago, an entire

stranger.  With untiring seal and persistent energy, he set himself to 
work in his chosen field of labor. He ,et the prejudices of the people 
with an open frankness, according to all, the privelege of their opinion

aiad experienoe, with a willingnem to await the rMutt of practienl p-