A full asortment of Hdar Tooth, Infants, 8hoe, Scrub, Paint 
Yarnlsh, Cloth, Nail & Vlesh brushes, at OurtIs a OProft's. 
Henning William, lab., bds. e end Claron. 
Henrick James, res. 104 N. Main. 
Henshell Henry, lab., bds. Union House. 
Herkimer Charles, fireman, bds. 88 S. Academy. 
Herkimer Horace, teamster, res. 58 Centre ave. 
lerkimer Warren, traveller, res. 88 S. Academy. 
Hermandson Juel, ornamental carver in house and furniture work 
of all kinds at Anderson, Harvey & Co., on Race, bds. 64 N. 
Main. (see advt,) 
Hern Mrs. (wid.) res. 52 Glen. 
Herrington John, tailor, over 27 N. Alain, res. 84 Locust. 
Herrington Rowley, clerk, bds. 84 Locust. 
Herrington W. F., car penter, bds. 84 Locust. 
Herron Isaac, mason, bds. 66 Centre. 
Hersham Martin, lab., res. Afton road 1 s of Western ave. 
Hesion John, lab.. res. n s Western ave. 2 w of Railroad. 
Hoskins James, boiler maker, res. w s Arch 2 a of Galena road. 
Hess Mrs. Ellen, (wid.) res. 28 Maria. 
Hee John, saloon and boarding house, cor. Pleasant and Washington. 
Heater Homer, confectioner. bds. Ann st. at J. W. Manning. 
Hibbard F. M., dealer in flour, pork, lard, hams, corn, oats, bran 
and groceries, 20 W. Milwaukee, bds. Myers House. 
Hickey E., compositor, Gazette Printing Co. 
Hickey Edward, shoemaker, bds. 71 S. Franklin. 
Hickey Michael, shoemaker, bds. 71 S. Franklin. 
Hickey Michael, janitor, res. e s Ringold 8 n of Racine. 
Hickox Francis, painter, bds. 18 Caroline. 
]Kfbkoy Robert A., photographer, res. over 21 N. Main. 
Hield Edward, farmer, res. 99 Washington. 
Hield George, farmer, res. s w cor. N. jackson and Mineral Point ave. 
Highfield William, mason, bds. 74 N. Main. 
Hill Edward, deputy sheriff, res. 28 N. High. 
Hill Mrs. J., (wid.) res. 56 Glen. 
Hill Solomon, bds. 84 Locust. 
Hill J. H., (Griffin, Harrison & Co.,) res. 41 N. Bluff. 
Hilloran Michael, lab., res. Fulton R'd 4 n of Railroid. 
Hilloran Morris, lab., res. Fulton R'd I n of Railroad. 
IHilloran Patrick, lab., res. Fulton R'd 8 n of Railroad. 
Hilloran Thomas, lab., res. Fulton R'd I n of Railroad. 
Hilt Benjamin I. Sr., moulder, res. 49 N. River. 
Hilt Benjamin R., moulder, bds. 49 N. River. 
Hilt E. W., mason, res. 47 N. River. 
Hines John, machinist, bds. 46 North. 
Mutual Life Ins. Co., N. Y., amets $40.000,000.       DimockA 
Hart, agents, 11 L Milwaukee st,, Lappins bloOL