First National Bank of Janeville,      Rook Co. Recorder      .      908
& a 
Win ........................ I8 & 49 Ruger Edwrd,civil engIneer .........
GateA C. H. & Co., sah doo    l etc., A eh  er, P. P., propr. Boston
........ ..... A. sold, & 88  kery ....................... 16 & so

Gatette Printing Co ............. 904 & 8 Schicker John, me'. tilor 
. 173 A  8 
Glover, N., boota shoes....... 164 &     c           ahuize .. F.,  
174 & 54 
Goky, Charles, baber .......... 15...... 9 Schutt, Urah, lumb'r, lath, &C
. .114 & 48 
Guernsey 0. & Son, Inurane... 907& 61 Scribner, Mist E. S., prin'!
St. Mary's 
Hackley L   . dE. gst do.......     900      Hall ..................... *60&85

Hammond L V., life Insurance..,198 & 9 Shopbell Ellis, build'r and cont'r..178
Harrison B. B.. butcher .............. 919 Skinner, B. H., propr. Briggs
Helms James, mowers, reapers,. ..907 & 54  Chlcalfo ............... D
back eol'd. 
Hermandson J., ornamental carver ... .19 SmthA& Bra., groc'm & crck'ry.199
& 46 
Hodge & Buchholz, carriage... 198 & 47 Smyth, S. W., physician, front
Hogoboom & Phelps,...bak of title & 87     .....................144
& 87 
HorneMrs. E. T., prop. Ogden House,     Sonneborn A Co., elothing.. 194 &
S....................    199 & 58 Spence, John, propr. Rock Count 
Inst'n for the Blind for Wi. 91,98            House ....................
i &  55 
Irwin Wm., clothing, bats, &c..196 &  5 Stafford, 0. F., propr. Northern
Jackman Hiram, flour   &.            4        mer........ ............9
0 & 88 
Jenkins, F. C., boots and shoes...900 & 46 Stevens Chauncey, propr. Stevens

Johnson M. B., dentist, ................ 219  House ................ .188
& 88 
Judd & Doty, gas generator..C coid & 40 Stevens House, ...............
1b &8 
Kahly & Manning, confectioner@, 150 &.48 St. Mary's Hall, a  girs
chool .... 10 & o 
Kellogg & Leavenworth, N. York Art Stoller, S., groc'r, fc., card ealend'r..
. Gilery ...................... 168 & 56 Taber, A.  7., propr. Biddle
Kent & Paddleford, wines & liquors ...908    Detroit, ..............
D back col'd. 
King J. D. & Bro., news depot,.... 8 & 88 Talluman, W.H., manuf'r
perfum'yle & 51 
Kirk Thomas, bar'l. & coopr'ge ..90 & a Talbot J. & Co., boots
and shoes op- 
Lawrence & Atwood, hardware Ac... 919        posite cor. of city diret'ry
..... &0 
Lseeh Thomas, dy goods, & .... 190 & 48 Tarrant & Dutton, grocers
....... 170 & 0 
Little Thus. H., BlInd Instlt'e..91,98 & 99 The Janesvill Gazette .......
904 A 8 
Lovqy & Blount, lumber, &c.. .164& 50 The Janesville Times, A.
0. Wilson, 
Marin & Hemming, veter'y surg'ons..911      ....................903 A
Maguire C., livery stable ............. 909 The Northern Farmer, 0. F. Stafford.

Morse, lauson & Co., furniture... 179 & 49    ..........................
906 A& 
Moseley & Bro-books & station'y 178 & 42 The Rock County Recorder
...... A5 & 8 
New tork Art Gallery, Kellog &          Treat, R B., hyrlcan ..........
186 &41 
Leavenworth .............. 1968a 5 Veeder    St. ohn, Rock County Re- 
Norton, 0. W., propr. Red Elevator,          corder ..................90
&c ....................... 185 & 49 Western Publishing Co., back
bone of 
Ogden House, Mrs. B. T. Hore, pro-            book .................... 184
& 904 
prietor ......       ..... 19  & 58 Wettateain, Ott, Eagle jewelry stor.

Oshkosh Lumber Y&r, Blair & Wag               ............................
189 & 47 
ner, propM .................... s06 Wheeler, B., wines, liqu'rs, eigars,
Ott, M. A., saddles and barness...902 & 54 Wheeler, G. W. & Co.,
auct'rs &  on. 
Our Folks at Home, F. D. Carson 18 & 84     merchants ................
190 & 46 
Patten, Mrs. 0. H., hair jewelry, Ac,   Whitnall, Harrison & Kent, plinters.

.............     .....176&48...................... 148 & 49 
Pease A   uor, nt'ornes ........... 09 Wilcox & Cole, carpenters ........
Peck & Kiiball, attornev ,......... 911 Williams, B. F. & Co., grooes..156
& s9 
Re1 Elevator, 0. W. Norton, )prfpr.     Wilson, A. 0., propr. Janesville

...........       ........ 189 & 49    Tlimes .................... M
& 8 
Red, A. 11   & Co.. propre. Janesville  Wintermute & Hayne, propr.
Buainess College,..E back col'd & 48    House, card on front cover....
Roberts, FT. G., seedman & florist.     Wisconsin Blind Institute ....
91, 98 A 99 
.......... .......... 152 &  58 
Rock Co. House, i ohn "Spene, pro.      Wolman, Frank, notions, o. 
  180 & 48 
prietor ................ 188&8 Woodward, E. H. &     Co., elgars,

Rock Co. National Bank .........9 0.       .............     ..... B col'd
& 51