46              HOLLAND'S J0=AUILLU DMIORY.' 
Franklin. The. ae suficient to proveoonolusively his standing and 
ability. Those requiring the servoes of Mr. Shophell may find him 
corner of South River and Centre streets. 
The Smith brothers ar indomitable business men. Three years ag 
they established their rcer and produce business, and have succeeded 
in building up a remarkably large and, we believe, paing trade. Some 
months ago they were burned out, only being partially insured.  But 
not discouraged by this, they are soon ready for business, determined 
that if energy, perseverance and abiity will accomplish success, success

shall be theirs. They have an interest in their father's (H. G. Smith's)

160 acre farm near the city, and raise a large quantity of potatoes, on-

ions, turnips and many other vegetables, besides being heavy buyers ad 
shippers of the same productions.  In so short a time as three years, 
these gentemen have built up a trade amounting to about $75,000 ter 
annum, which we are glad to learn is constantly increasing.  We wish 
them all the success their enterprise entitles them to.  See their adver-

This firm has been established a few months in the auction and oon.- 
minion business.  Their store is 22 by 80 feet, conveniently located at 
19 N. Main street, where auction sales are held at 1:80 and 7 P M, 
when great bargains may be obtained, as their gods are umally bank- 
rpts' stock, osisting Of dry goods, boots and shoes *ni all kinds of 
merchandise. Consignments of .ll kinds of oods are solicitid, for which 
prompt remittaces will be made.  We believe those committing  o 
to their care for sale may rest assured that the highest prices will be re-

alized, and the fair thing done by them, as both gentlemen of the'irm, 
Mr. Wheeler and Mr. -Jenkins, are reliable and well qualified for the 
This house was established    ,["s ago, F. C. & C. X. Jon. 
kins composing the  p          Wht out C. E,. (who is now 
in tho aution and oom   ion business in thi sity,) and now has the 
business alone. The store is located at 28 N. Main St., and in it may 
be found some of the best boots and shoes manufactured. He buys di- 
rect from manufacturers and assures us that his prices are as low as any,

and lower than many. The annual sales of this house amount to $80.000, 
which is a good evidence that they do a fair share of the boot and shoe 
trade of Janesville, and that their prices are made to suit cutomen. 
Mr. Jenkins is one of our oldest citizens having been raised in the city,

and is well known for his uprightness and honorable dealing. He is also 
aent for the popular Singer Bowing Machines. Store 28 N. Mol St. 
Sign of Big Boot.