iied in 1867. The rooms are in Lappin's block, 2d story E. Milwau- 
kee street entrance, which are open every morning at 9 o'clock for 
prayer. The public are invited to attend and always welcomed. 0&- 
er-E. S. Barrows, Proident; E. 11. None, Vice President; P. 
D. Shodeld, Cor. Secretary ; J. F. l1 rt, Ro. Serptary ; J. Suthe- 
land, Treasurer. 
BAPTIST CHURCH, (First) Rev. M. G. Hodge, Pastor, n. e. ,or. 
Pleasant and Jackson street..  Services .10.80 a. m., 7 p. m. Sun- 
day School 12 m. 
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, (First) Rev. L. Whiting, pastor. 
a. w. oor. Jackson and Dodge streets. Services 10.80 a.m., 7 p. m. Sun- 
day School 12 m. 
EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (Christs) Rev. Joseph Wood, Rector, n.w. 
cor. Court and Wisconsin streets. Services 10.80 a. m., 7 p. mn.. Sun- 
da Shool 12 m. 
tISCOPAL CHURCH, (Trinity) Rev. F. Durlin, Rector, u. w. 
oct. W. Bluff and N. Jackson streets. Services 10.80 a. m., 7.80 p. m. 
LUTHERAN CHURCH, (German Evangelical) Rev. H. Ernst, 
pastor, a. a oor. E. Milwaukee and Wisconsin streets.  Services 10 
a. M., 7p. m. Sunday School 2 p. m 
pastor, oor. S. Jackson and Centre streets. Jervices 10.80 a. m. and 
7 p. m. Sunday School 2.m. 
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (Court street) cor. Court 
and Main streets will be open in the spring. 
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, -pastor, 14 N. Jackson. Ser- 
vices 10.80 a. M., 7p. u,, Sunday School 12 m. 
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHUC H, (St. Patrick) Rev. J. X. Doyle, 
pastor, 80 Cherry streett. Services 8 and 10.80 a. m. Vepers 7 p.m. 
Sunday School 8 p. m. 
S#EDENBORGIN CHURCH, (New Jerusalem) Rev. C. Scam- 
mon, pastor, over Post office. Services 10,80 a. m. Sunday School 
12 noon. 
UNITARIAN CHURCH, (all souls) Rev. J. Fisher, Pastor, oor. 
Bluff and Court streetA. Servioes 10.80 a. m., 7 p. m. Sunday School 
12 m. 
UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, (ali souls) Rev. J. Fisher, pastor, cor. 
Bluff and Court streets. Services 10.80 a. m., 7 p. m. Sunday School 
12 m. 
TA Juwwi. (aimtt.-Daily, Semi-Weekly and Weekly. Was 
established in 1845, and so ably has it been conducted that it now has 
the lsrgest circulation of any paper in southern Wisconsin, and is, con.

sequently the best advertising medium in thit part of the State. Its 
publishers and editors, Mears. Thomson, Roberts & Wilcox, a gentle.