If you wnt purn medicinal Brandies, Wine, Gins, Rums or 
spirits, Toreign or domestic, go t Curtis & Oroft'e. 
70              HOLLAND'S JANUVIL      DIRECTORY. 
Chase W. S., Restaurant and dealer in fruits, confectionery, oysters, 
fancy groceries, ice cream, &c., 1 N. Main, res 118 W. Milwaukee 
(See advertisement.) 
Chase W. S., jr., confectioner, res 118 W. Milwaukee. 
Cheney C. C., ins. agent, res 51, Locust. 
Cheney C. J., (Hoskins & Cheney) re. 17 Race. 
Cheever D. D., farmer, bds. 81 S. Academy. 
Cheney Frank, painter, roe 46 Lincoln. 
Cheney W. H., salesman, bds 11 N. Main. 
Chicago & Northwestern R. R. Depot, G. L. Beetle, agent, west 
end of W. Milwaukee. 
Childs Edward, carriage maker, bds. C. H. Furgaaons' Wall st. 
Childs X W., propr. Janesville marble works, and dealer in all kinds 
monuments, tombstones, &c. 7 Corn Exchange res. 10 N. Jackson. 
Child F. B., carpenter, res. 25 Linn. 
Chisholm John. chair maker, 82 River res. same. 
Chittenden G. W., homeopathic physician, 88 N. Academy res. same. 
Christopher Hans, carpenter bds. s m Wall 2 w of N. River. 
Christy Mrs. (wid.) res. 21 R. Jackson. 
Church Cecil, farmer, res. n s Magnolia road 2 w of Oak Hill ave. 
Church C. E., res. 82 W. Bluff. 
Church James, roe. 55 S. Main. 
Church Jonathan, farmer, res. n s Magnolia road 2 w of Oak Hill ave. 
Churchas, for pastors and hours of service see index. 
Churchill Kis ., ast. editress Janesville Gazette, bds. 61 S. Main. 
City Attorney, J. W. Sale, office over 41 W. Milwaukee. 
City Clerk, George H. Williston, office 10 Jackman & Smith's block. 
City Concil Room, 10 Jackman & Smith's block. 
City ngineer, R K. Lee, office Jackman & Smith's block. 
City T asurer, F. S. Lawrence, office under 18 W. Milwaukee. 
Circuit Court Commisioners, George R. Peck, & M. M. Phelps, 
offices Lappin's Block. 
Clarendon W., (J. Talbot & Co.) res. Sing Sing, N. Y. 
Clancy John, fireman, bds. 66 Center ave. 
Clark Alexander, miller, bds. 6 N. 2nd. 
Clark Mrs. A., (wid.) res. 8 N. Bluff. 
Clark A. A., night watchman, res. 21 Linn. 
Clark Frank, miller, res. 18 N. Bluff. 
Clark Henry, carpenter, res. Sharon 4 n of S. Bluff. 
Clark H. S., clerk, res. 66 School. 
Clark Jacob, (Clark & Payne) res. 80 S. Main. 
Clark & Payne, harness and saddles, 68 N. Main. 
Clark James, miller, res. I Mineral Point ave. 
Dimock & Hart, aents for Mutual Benefit Life Ins, Co., Trav- 
elers Accident and Railway Passngr Ins. Companies,