he will be glad to see his old oustomers and as many new ones as possi-.

ble, as he has gota good selection of ready made clothing, hate, cops, 
fur and gents fUrnishiu gods for sale cheap. Mr. Irwin oommeuoed 
business Fast fall, after hvinj in the city twelve years, and understands

how to buy, his goods at a small margin over first cost, and believes In

giving thi beudt to his oustomers. Give Irwin your patfoege, for 
we blieve no more deserving and reliable a man can be found. 
A short time ago we stepped into the New York Art Gllery, located 
over 60 & 62 North Main street, Holdredgo's blobk, and were fupied 
to find such Ppacious and beautifully fitted up room. e em.  & 
L. occupy the whole of the upper fioor--6 rooms. Photogsphs are 
taken here by the most experienced and qualified operators; and so 
confident are the proprietors that they excel. they publicly offer $100 
to the Young Men.' Ohristian Asooiation for thebenefit of the poor, for 
any picture made by any photographer in this city, on which they cannot 
improve; and this appeared to be well borne out by the specimens we 
examined, which are as good.  we have seen, and better than many. 
Neither do they confine themselves to photography, but employ quite a 
number of portrait painters, among whom is the celebrated Stuart. of 
New York, who ha. gained a reputation in Europe, s well as the Uni- 
ted States. In their studio they have portraits of some of the promi- 
neat men of this vijcnity. Is would well repay any person oontempa- 
ting being represented feithfully on canvass, to go to the New York 
Art Gallery and examine their work. We believe they have established 
a good and wide reputation since their establishment here, a. all for 
whom they have done work, appear satisfied, while orders are pouring 
in from far and near. Go and see them. 
Since Mr. Stoller's commencement in this city some few months ago, 
he. has bei singularly succesfl. " Of course there Is a caee bi this

success.  We will give our ilde of the cause.  When he opened his 
store, he resolved to el'good goods, but at this time he wee ompuara- 
tively little known. He commenced to advertise libealy, in order to 
inform people 2f his name, busiss and location. After doing this for 
some time, many persons came in to see if what he sid ws true; find- 
ing it was, they of course continue to pstronise him.-This, to our ind, 
is absolutely necessary for every business man to do who would be sne. 
cessful in busines, for while there are so many of us vieing with each 
other in the se business, w6 must keep our name, business and bee- 
tion constantly before the public; at the same time always live up to a 
our advertisement.  St11er may be found at 17 N. Main street, where 
he keeps a fine stock of goods, and sells the some cheap.