HOLNDS JANU=U Dmm             yo! .          48 
has given entires a   on, end will beer the severet cid m. Thee. 
wihing athinin their line. e  ot in our opinion dmo e their eders 
in more reliablehands than with Whiunll, Harrison & Rent. 
Kaya nd Man      g have oue of the sLcestto  in A  oily a 
North Maintre,     ich Is stocked with atl kinds of somfeisney, 
toys, cipars green and canned fruit, o0sters, se  Theymmhtr 
onfietionery whch is saidto be a good  say made, an whiO s war- 
rented puna. They have a large increasing tade, wholesale and rea 
having every advantage for supplying retail dealer at moderate rates. 
Messrs K. and M. dir a large rewSR  to any person deteotiug adulter- 
aion in their candy. This we think should be remembered and appre- 
cisted by the "candy. buying" public, as most people know how dllt

itl Ito obtain the same pure.  In the rear of their store they havea 
suite of rooms where oysters are served in any style deired, at living 
rates.  Remember and buy your next candyeat Kahly sad M_nngs, 
and test.the truth of their claim and what we have written. They re 
both respected and enterriing gentlemen, and worthy of the libea 
patronage they are receiving. They make a specialty of stick sandy. 
Mr. Sohutt is one of thepioneers of the city. He came here in 1889, 
and has lived here nearly ever since. He began the lumber business in 
1659, at his present place, e. s. South River near W. Milwaukee street, 
since which time he has done a steady increasing business, which amounts

st the present time to about two million feet, besides considerable lsth,

singlee, etc., per year. This fntleman is one of the most reliable bas. 
inoes men in our midst, one who always ais at selling at the smallest 
posdble margin, and is worthy of confidence in every way. 
In speaking of the most prominent business men of Janesuile. we 
must not omit the name of N0. Olark, who him done business in this 
jty sce 1867. He sommeneA as grain merchant in that year, and 
raually merged into stock and produoe dealing geerally.   Three 
years    he commenced the manufactre of flour, hfs mill beinf In the 
rear of the "Big Mill," and belongs at the same time the firms
of Olark 
and Holdredge Monterey Mill) and Oroutt and Clark.-.elevtor.) Mr. 
Clark is said to manufacture some fine brands of Rour. Among the best 
are "Olark's XXX" and "Crescent Oity."    We believe
he manufo- 
tured 60 thousand barrels of flour last year, 66 thousand of which was 
shipped and the remainder sold at home. Altogether, Mr. Clark's bus- 
inem amounts to 200,000 per annum--a fat which proves what may 
be accomplished in this country bT an enterprising devotion to buiness 
as be commenced in this city on little or nothing and has raised himself

to his present position.