f you want ur medicinal Brandies, Wine., Gins, Rum            or 
spirits, 6orelgn or domestic, go to uartis & Croft. 
Peterson Kiss K. L, clerk in Post Office, bds. 41 E. Milwaukee. 
Phelps A., law student, bde. 28 S. High. 
Phelps C. C., carpenter, ree. 5 N. Fourth. 
Phelps James, mason, res. as Magnolia road 8 w of Oak Hill ave. 
Phelps Jeremiah, mason, roe. n s St. Mary's ave. 5 w of Milton ave. 
Phelps John A., breaksman, res. 41 Lincoln. 
Phelps K. X., attorney at law, real estate and collecting agent, and 
of the firm of (Hogoboom & Phelps,) a w or. E. Milwaukee and 
Main, res. 29 Lincoln. (See advt.) 
Phelps Sherman, lab., res. 11 Milwaukee, (Rockport.) 
Phelps William E., mason, bs. s a Magnolia road 8 w of Oak Hill ave. 
Phillips C. W., machinist, res. 88 N. Main. 
Phillips George, blacksmith, res. N. Main 1 n of Railroad. 
Phillips J. H., clerk, bdu. 88 N. Main. 
Phillips J. W., architect, res. 88 N. Main. 
Phoenix PMajn      Kill, Anderson, Harvey & Co., proprs. on Race 
in rear of iig Mill. (See advt.) 
Pickering George, mechanic, res. w s Jackson (Rockporl) 4 s of North. 
Pickering Georp F., bartender and clerk at Rock County House. 
Pickering Mrs. W., (wid.) res. n s 2nd (Monterey) 2 w of Centre ave. 
Pierce George, harness and saddles, 49 W. Milwaukee res. 26 N. Jackson. 
Pierce P. A., farmer, res. W. Beloit road 1 w of Centre ave. 
Pierce R. M., breaksman. res. 11 Milwaukee (Rockport.) 
Pierson Charles, machinist, Doty Manuf'g Co. 
Pierson M. W., engineer roe. 22 S. Jackson, 
Pitcher John, lab.,tbd. Aock County House. 
Plato A. A., breaksman, bdUs. 48 Wall. 
Plato J. W., re. 48 Wall. 
Plato S. W., breaksman, bds. 48 Wall. 
Plowright John, (J. Plowright & Co.,) res. n a Clifton I e of Ringold.

Plowright J. & Co., coopers, s s Wall near N. River. 
Plowright Thomas, lab., res. a s Clifton 2 e of Ringold. 
Plummer J. P., drayman, res. 18 S. Mqin. 
Posy Thomas, cabinet maker, res. 29 Maria. 
Polson Han, machinist, Rock River Iron Work,. 
Pomery William T., tobacco raiser, res. n s Galena R'd 5 w of Pine. 
Porter A., machinist, C. & N. W. R'y. 
Porter William, clerk, bds. 5 Race. 
Pot Offioe, Thomas J. Ruger, post master, 5 E. Milwaukee st. 
Post Ofoe News Room, J. D. King & Bro., propro., Post Office 
block, Milwaukee St. (See advt.) 
Potter Mrs. I., (wid.) res. 80 Washington. 
Potter James, harness maker, bds. 2-E. Milwaukee. 
Dimock # Hat agents for Mutual Benefit Life Ing o., Trav- 
elers Accident and Railway Passenger in*. C)ompanies,