ladies cal at Curtis & Croft's and examine their stook of 
Anoy and toilet articles, great variety, cheapest in the city. 
Slawuon Sullivan, teamster, ree. 58 S. High. 
Sleeper 0. W., clerk, res. 17 Race. 
Sleeper Thomas C., res. a a Ruger ave. 1 e of Court. 
Bleiker Joseph, painter, bds. e s Centre ave. 8 a of Eastern ave. 
Slightam John. pressman, res. 42 N. Bluff. 
Sloan I. C., (Conger & Sloan,) ree. 60 S. Main. 
Sloson John R., engineer, res. n a W. Bluff 1 w of Washington. 
Smith Andrew, (ol'd) whitewasher, res. 77 N. River. 
Smith A. Hyatt, lawyer, over 8 W. Milwaukee, res. 29 N. Bluff. 
Smith B. G., (Smith & Brother,) bdm. 16 N. Jackson. 
Snith & Brother, (B. G. & J. P. Smith,) dealers in groceries, seeds,

produce, crockery &o., 24 W. Milwaukee, (See advt.) 
Smith B. W., student, bds. a e cor. S. 1st and East. 
Smith Charles H., lab., res. 45 Lincoln. 
Smith Daniel P., engineer, res. 11 Ravine. 
Smith Edgar, carriage painter, bds. 28 N. High. 
Smith Edward, supt. telegraph, res. 50 Centre. 
Smith Bruatus C., res. 68 S. Academy. 
Smith E. M., clerk, bds, ocor. Division and S. 1st. 
Smith B. P., salesman, bds. 1 N. Main. 
Smith E. R., cutter, bds. Borden House. 
Smith Francis, farmer, res. e a Centre ave. 4 s of Eastern ave. 
Smith Frank A., salesman, bds. Mr. Moeller, 11 N. Main. 
Smith F. L., bds. ocor. Division and S. First. 
Smith George J., moulder, res. 89 N. Academy. 
Smith George W., salesman, bds. 1 N. Main. 
Smith Mrs. -H., res. 46 N. River. 
Smith H. A., mnfr. and dealer in boots, shoes and rubber goods, 4 E. 
Milwaukee, res. 22 N. Franklin. 
Smith H. F., farmer, res. 16 N. Jackson. 
Smith H. L., tress. Clow Reaper Mnfg. Co., res. cor. S. 1st and East. 
Smith Ira, spinner, bds. 75 Jefferson. 
Smith James, barber, bde. Ogden House. 
Smith J. B., res. a w cor. Galena and Palm. 
Smith James M., farmer, res. s w oor. Centre ave. and 2d, (Monterey.) 
Smith J. Maurice, rem. 29 N. Bluff. 
8mIth 1. P., (Smith & Brother) bds. 16 N. Jackson. 
Smith Luther F., engineer, res. 48 Centre ave. 
Smith LymaN, res. s w oor. S. First and Wisconsin. 
Smith Morris, carpenter, res. s a Pleasant opp. Pine. 
Smith U. C., (K. C. Smith & Co. and Smith & Bostwick) rem. ocr. S.

First and Division. 
Dimook & Hart, agents for Home, Continental. Security, In. 
ternatlonal and Albany City, InL Co'. of New York.