COLOPHON (ISSUE 1): "The body of this book was set in 8 pt. Garamond light and italic on Intertype Model C Line Casting Machine No. 24494. The Title Page was hand-set in Onyx and Kaufmann Script at The Old Draft Board. The book was printed on 20 lb. English Bond, a fifty percent rag stock found under the Intertype and donated by Fred the Ruler, on a 10 x 15 Chandler and Price platen Press. This is the first book produced by The Kopralalia Press. The edition is limimted to 88 copies, of which this is No. 0054."
COLOPHON (ISSUE 2): "This, the second book produced by The Kopralalia Press, features Intertype's 7 pt. Clarendon with the titles set in bold face, as well as 8 pt. Bodoni Bold Italic. Brush, Copperplate Gothic and various dingbats were hand-set and appear throughout the book. A Chandler and Price 10 x 15 platen press printed the book on acid-free Classic Crest 70 lb. text. The book was bound and covered by hand. Crux Two is available in a limited edition of 88. Copies of this and other books produced by The Kopralalia Press can be purchased through Dead Art Limited, 341 North Milwaukee Street, Fifth Floor, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 53202-5318. Standing orders welcome."
Unsigned. Unnumbered.
A literary magazine-like series of small hardcover books containing poetry, prose, pictures and colorful decorative elements. Library holds issues 1 and 2 ("Springtime" and "Summer").