“LOWER ()} IL?

It is the latest French method of making EXTRACTS and TOILET WATERS, saving the labor and cost of
Pomads washing; the odors are true to the flower, more ‘lasting, and are fully developed, without further fixatives,
inside of ten days. The prices are very much lower than for any other goods heretofore produced.


| Quantity to






' int for

Price Quadruple
Cone. Flower Oils. . Per Oz. Mxtracts. Colors, Q. S
Wioletie tearciente (10.0)... $2.00 107, Evergreen Y or * Parpleine
Wiolethe Ce. SOuvre.. 2.20540. we 1.75 La Byeroreen  Y Purpleine.
Ne gletie de Parime., 5. sas cate ele 2.00 te Evergreen Y or Purpleine..
Hem eC ARnatiOl i ih ac oe 1.00 te Cousine Rose..
Bectou Carnation Pink... 22. ..c. 6. 2.00 ts Cousine Rose. :
Drea OG FOO a es OA, 1.50 1 Consime Nose, Z
ese | cacy eat saic ON Comin i ee Cousine Rose. f
Or SeMOSC ut re 1.75 es Cousine Rose. a
Waite OSC oe gee oe ah 1.75 Lite Eyergreen, Y.
MWeUewe FAS ses ote es oS 1a R. & Ho Vellow, 7) :
ee oO uGet nits OU Pe oe 1.25 Lee R. & F. Yellow or Evergreen Y.
Lily of the Valley..,............5. 1, Liane Evergreen Y.
Ble MIVECUII: |... ec eae 1.00 hee Purpleine.
Becker, Cli o,f lsat Rive ie 1.75 ie Foaming Ruby and Yellow.
Peau d’Espagne 1.75 Doe R. & FE. Yellow
SAMO a, des eae : : oy :
Henotrene. Leow thane fo yialeies o 1.00 Lyte pomeie and Foaming Ruby.
Pelee Ge von oi ei. ke 2 OZs. 10% 1.50 t urpleine.
dilas de Nice. 0°. 0 cies re Bor 12S Teas Purpleine.
Hilas de Mrance: 2.26... «.- 4 ozs. for 2.00 eige Purpleine.
ile 2. Wd eee Me das ey 2.00 Le Evergreen Y.
an UU ee cal ere 1.50 Co Foaming Ruby an ellow.
Ylang Y1 5 x F g Ruby and Yellow

We are constantly receiving new goods in this line.

No smaller quantities sold than quoted in this list SPECIAL QUOTATIONS for larger quan-
tities. Sold direct. only.

Quadruple Extracts use 12 ozs. Cologne Spirits and 4 ounces distilled water. To make the Toilet
Waters, use the same quantity of Concentrated Oils as bea in the Extracts, adding 4 pints Cologne
Spirits and 4 pints distilled water.

FLORIDA WATER OIL, just like the original, 4 ounces for $1.50, use 2 ounces of the oil to
4 pints Cologne spirits and 4 pints distilled water. C olor with Evergreen Y., sufficient to give it a fint.

BAU DE QUININE OIL, 4 ounces for $3.00, use 7 drams to the gallon, to make Eau de Quinine
Hair Tonic, which contains 50 per cent. alcohol, and by our formula costs to make, $2.00 a gallon. The
best judges cannot distinguish it from the imported.

The colors above stiggested have been adopted by the leading perfumers of this country, and they
all use the Evergreen Chemical: Co.’s colors.

Always: remember the fact, that a handsome color acts as a telephone to the mind and Says >
“What looks beautiful must be good.”


All guaranteed Fast to Sunlight, Stainless and Non- COUSINE ROSE.—A beautiful pink for Red
Poisonous. Miscible in Alcohol, Water, Acid and Alkaline. Pink and Pace dotons: ¥ Bose, Carne iow
Once tried, no others wanted, because they are cheaper R. & FEF. YELLOW.—A handsome Canary Color. j
and superior in strength and beauty to all others. EAU DE QUININE RED.—Identical in shade with | the

EVERGREEN B.—A handsome bluish green. imvorted.

EVERGREEN a rich yellowish, grassy green. PINK E.—For Tooth and Face Powders.

EVERGREEN A.—The only green fast-to-sun in Ammonia. a Oa oR

7 id fi 0+] Tic ixi i

FOAMING RUBY.—A beautiful red for Tooth Wash, Elixirs, Price per Pint, $2.00. In 5 Pint lots less 16 per |
BS ae race. cent. FF. 0. B. New York City 5

PURPLEINE.—The «only Legler true to the Violet flower, g 1 “ens a y-
which is fast to sunlHight:-and stainless, and shading to a pecial quotations for larger quantities.
reddish hue by night. ‘Used for Lilac, Violet and Helio'trope. ONE PINT COLORS TE vans OF 150 GALLONE..