rome romide Sea ae a
Each fluid dram contains

Iron bromide,


Tron Citrate and Strychnine’....:...

Each fluid dram contains
Iron citrate, 1 gr.

Strychnine, 1

: -60 gr.
Prod Inosphate: nee ee

_ Each fluid dram contains
Iron phosphate, 2 grs.
Iron Pyrophosphate.....

Each fluid dram contains
Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs

Iroti Pyrophosphate and Bismuth.

Hach fluid dram contains
Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs.
Bismuth and Amm. citrate, | gr.

Iron Pyrophosphate, Bismuth and


Hach fluid dram contains
Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs.
Bismuth and Amm. citrate, 1 gr.
Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr.

see ew ce ee ew ee

Iron Pyrophosphate, Bismuth and

StmyehminGs. 0c. so 255s

Each fluid dram


Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs.
Bismuth and Amm. citrate, 1 gr.

Strychnine, 1-

60 gr.

Iron Pyrophosphate and Quinine...
- Each fluid dram contains
Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs.
Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr.
Iron Pyrophosphate, Quinine care

Each fluid dram


Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs.
Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr.

Arsenic, 1-30 gr.

Iron Pyrophosphate, Quinine and

StryCHUMG gees ars cet

Each fluid dram


Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs.
Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr.
Strychnine, 1-60 gr.

Each fluid dram


Iron Pyrophosphate and Ging ues ine:

Iron pyrophosphate, 2 gers.
Strychnine, 1-60 gr.

Iron and Quinine Phosphates.......

Each fluid dram

Iron phosphate, 2 grs.


Quinine phosphate, 1-2 gr.
Iron, QuinineandStrychnine Citrate.

Each fluid dram


Tron, Quin. and Strych. cit. 1 gr.

Iron, Quinine and Strychnine Phos-

PALES aig ars ores esos Vee ae

Each fluid dram

Tron phosphate, 2 grs. -


Quinine phosphate, 1-2 gr.
Strychnine phosphate, 1-60 gr.

Kali-Caffeine, see ‘“‘Specialties.”’

Kola, COmp Neo. eal sie eee
Each fluid ounce represents

Lithium Citrate
Each fluid dram contains

Lithium citrate, 2 grs.

Manaca with Salicylates..
Each fluid dram represents —

Mandrake Comp
Each fluid dram represents

Kola nuts, 48 grs.
Celery seed, 48 grs.
Coca leaves, 60 grs.

‘Licorice Aromatic, or anise Elixir

Lithium Bromide
Each fluid dram contains

Lithium bromide, 5 grs.

Manaca, true, 10 grs.

eee e eee e

sees eee ete oe

Sodium salicylate, 3 grs.
Potassium salicylate, 2 grs.
Lithium salicylate, 1-2 gr.

Mandrake, 6 gers.
Senna, 4 grs.
Culver’s root, 3 grs.
Jalap, 2 grs.

eee eo ee me roe e

Per Per 5 Per doz.
gal. ints. pints.
Including bottles.

$450 $3 25 $9 00

4 50

4 00

4 00

5 50.

6 00

5 50

5 00

5 00

5 00

4 50!
5 00
5 00

5 00

5 00

9 00

7 80
7 80

10 20

10 80°

10 20

360. 2 50. 720

790. a, 00 3 20
120° 5 00° 418.20
7.20 500 1320
450 325 900


NiatiCO swe ee


Per Per 5 Per doz.
gal. pints. pints.
Including bottles.

Each fluid dram represents
Matico, 15 grs.

Matico Comp.....

Each fluid dram represents
Matico, 15 grs. :

/ Cubeb, 7 1-2 grs.
Buchu, 7 1-2 gers.

Morphine Bromide..... ee es ee
Hach fluid dram contains

Morphine bromide, 1-8 gr.

Morphine Waleriamaterc so 02.50 cs,

Each fluid dram contains
Morphine valerianate, 1-8 gr.

Pancreatin 2 ea eos

Each fluid dram contains

Pancreatin, i

Pancro-Pepsin and Combinations.
See ‘‘ Specialties.’

Pepsi... ees eer eon

Each fluid dram contains

Pepsin, 5 gers.

Pepsin and Bismuth os
Each fluid dram contains

Pepsin, 5 grs.
Bismuth and

Pepsin, Bismuth
Each fluid dram

Pepsin, 5 grs.
Bismuth and

Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs.

Pepsin, Bismuth,

Each fluid dram contains

Pepsin, 5 grs.
Bismuth and

Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs.
’ Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr.

Pepsin, Bismuth, Iron, Quinine and


Each fluid dram
Pepsin. 5 gers.
Bismuth and

Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs.
Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr.
Strychnine, 1-60 gr.

Pepsin, Bismuth,
Each fluid dram
Pepsin, 5 grs.
Bismuth and

Iron pyrophosphate, 2 gr.
Strychnine, 1-60 grain.

Pepsin, Bismuth

Bach fluid dram
Pepsin, 5 grs.
Bismuth and
Nux Vomica,

Pepsin, Bismuth

Each fluid dram
Pepsin, 5 grs.

. 6450 $3 25 $ 9 00




Bismuth and Amm. citrate, 1 gr.
Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr.

Pepsin, Bismuth
Each fluid dram

Pepsin, 5 grains.

Bismuth and

Strychnine, 1-60 gr.

Pepsin, Bismuth

Each fluid dram
Pepsin, 5 gr.
Bismuth and

Wafer ash, 10 grs.

Pepsin and Iron..

Each fluid dram
Pepsin, 5 grs.

Iron pyrophosphate, 2 gers.

Pepsin, Iron and Quinine...... ae

Fach fluid dram
Pepsin, 5 grs.

as, 450 325 900

6 00 400 1080
600 400 1080

5 50 3 75 10 20

550 375 10 20
6 00 400 10 80

Amm. citrate, 1 gr.

and Loins 6.8 08: 6 00 400 10 80

contains : :

Amm. citrate, 1 gr.

Iron and Quinine... 6 80 4 50° 12 00

Amm. citrate, 1 gr.

Be wicca as cesturt es a 6 80 450 12 00

contains :

Amm. citrate, 1 gr.

Iron and Strychnine 600 400 1080

contains sn

Amm. citrate, 1 gr.

and Nux Vomica... 6 00 400 1080


Amm, citrate, 1 gr.

1-2 gr.

and Quinine....... 600 400 1080


and Strychnine,”..< ~~ 6700 400 10 80


Amm. citrate, 1 gr.

and Wafer Ash.... 6 80 450 12 00


Amm. citraté, 1 gr.

beeen i DO aD el an

contains \

600 _4 00. 10 80


Iron pyrophosphate, 2 grs.
Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr.











