OILED FABRICS—Continued. PLASTERS, Corn—Continued.
Oiled Silk. oe ee.
Omen We ee Bee “ e -60 | Phone | White, Oval, 12 in slide box, 9.70
Once 6c Celt 66 “ 30 6c ““ 6é 1.00 Planet 6“ Round, 66 é6 9.70
Onus GCC ND CO 0 ee eee oe ON WHITE FELT
(oS Mit ray Strong, * eee
Open tyardrolls, 30 “ “ 1.25 Arnica, Oval, THICK, 12 in slide box, oo
Opera é a6 i 6 OG 30 66 6c 6é 5.00 Pica ae
66 COG O 1 99 Pie oe Round, i" aa :
Me ce be “ Oval, THIN, 12 in slide box,
Optic 4 yard £6 a) ‘ chk
O 1 AG 66 alt 6c 66 30 6“ 66 6é 1.00 Pierce 9.00
ah 66 cwo%® 66 66 30 6c 6 6é 4.50 Pile * Round, . i: 9.00
; : Plain, Oval, THIcK, 12 in slide box, 9.00
SMALL PIECES—in flat boxes. Pipe
Orbic Oiled Silk, Transparent, 12x 14 ins. perdoz. 2.00 | Piper “¢ Round, “ ‘“ 9.00
Orbit of J Opals us se ae 2.00 | Pique fc Oval, THIN, ‘“ oe
“ in“ 12 1 ee eee ae
Orby Muslin = : ce Oval, THICK, 144 in glass top box, each, -75
Orchid = iranspanent, a és ee 1.50 Pitch
Protective Oiled Silk, Carbolated, Lister's, Place a foe . ee
aon Plaint < Oval prune | ab «15
Oriel 1 yard rolls, 22 inches wide, per roll, 1.50 | Plait «« ‘Round, if - > Be
Orient a mn oC “6 99 3 66 66 6.50 In Rubber Combination, Round, Per Gro.
Plash 12 in slide box, 12.70
; 1 inab ?
PLASTERS, Bunion. a Seabury’s Covered Corn, large, 4 in a box, te a
e ; Plate Small Size, 12 in slide box 55
eabury’s Improved B Plast Med- a
: Het! a miproved: Bani er ee Soft Corn, without holes, 24 in a box, BB
icated), Pl
Turret 6 in decorated tin box, per dozen boxes....... 1.75 a
Assorted (8 boxes Corns, 4 boxes Bunions, )
Turtle per dozen boxes 1.75 EE Couct. Per Doz.
No. 2, Silk, 12 pieces, Russia leather case,
MEAD’S—PROPRIETARY. Per Gross | Plea with mirror and scissors, 12.60
Party | Medicated, Square 19.20 « 8, Silk, 6 pieces, Russia leather slide
Plead case, with scissors, 8.00
ON KID. “ 10, Silk, 6 pieces, Russia leather top slide
Pass White, Oval, 6 in slide box, 10.70 | Plot case, 2.10
Past CARO wHAG eS 10.70 No. 18, “Centennial,’’ Cloth, 6 pieces, slide Per Gro.
Pastor (c  Square.e 6&6 10.70 | Plug tablet, 9.00
Plum Se Sie small ‘ oo 6.00
OI ORTERE SD JSIBIL. “ 19, “Elegant,” Siik, 3 pieces, 2x3, in en-
Plain, Oval, THICK, 6 in slide box, Plume velope, 7.20
Be ee : a GG AD, fs Silk, 3 pieces, 114x214, in
eep te ound.) : Plump envelope, : 4.00
Peer es Square, ‘ sf ae oe eis e Silk, 1 piece, 2x3, in en-
Peg es Oval, THIN, ss : Plumy velope, Flesh, 3.60
Pen ee Found mce a ae ie al gs Silk, 1 piece, 2x8, in en-
Pencil GO Square, ‘* sé : Ply velope, White, 8.60
ce Oval, THICK, 72 in glass top box, seu o le oe Silk, 1 piece, 2x3, in en-
Pent each -75 | Pod velope, Black, 3.60
a = a - - a No. 22, Ribbed Silk, 1 piece, 2x2,inenvelope, —
eony ‘ quare, ‘ Cees Poet Flesh, 4.5
Perch oS Oval LEUIN, ace eo con ‘ 1 piece, 2x3, in envelope,
Pert ce. -Roundes ac ct . BOO) | pecat White, 4.75
Pet “« ‘Square, Rene oe a fae) a 1 piece, 2x8, in envelope,
In Rubber Combination, Square, Poise Black, 4.75
Phase 6 in slide box, 12.70 ‘¢ 23, Balsamic,” Cloth, 3 pieces,11gx2l4,
Polar ass’t’d colors, in envelope, 2.00
66 66 7 99 7 7
PLASTERS—Corn. . 24, ** Balsamic,” Cloth, 3 pieces, 2x8, in
: ole envelope, 3.60
Seabury’s Improved Corn Plasters (Medicated), «“ 25 Taffeta,” Silk, 1 piece, 244x3%, in :
Turnip 12 in decorated tin box, per dozen boxes...... 1.75 Pomp envelope, Flesh, 7.20
Assorted (8 boxes Corns, 4 boxes Bunions, ) eo, S Silk, 1 piece, 244x3%, in
Turtle | per dozen boxes 1.75 | Pool envelope, White, 7.20
MEA D’S—PROPRIETARY. A 72: c cee 1 ne in, os
Phlox | Medicated, Round, 19:00} ae. Cee i:
ae ih Keene