


Discount, 40%





: Ber
Cascara sagrada, compound....... . $0.80
Each fluid dram represents
Cascarasagtaday.....-5.6..-0) 20S.
Senta ree cee le iyecir series 5 grs.
RRMA, se rsin sles gs secrete 5 gers.
Cathar Compound... snes rec OU)
Each fluid dram represents
Rimtbard oo sees eae ae ers.
Sei tage ice Se niece ie 4 grs.
Wandewoms o.c55 eee 4 grs.
MEAT PAIKe 0. .) So) Notaries re 2 grs.
Gineer ieee ie Asoka Stee
Rochelle salts... a.3.) tess 2 gers.
Sodium bicarbonate......... oy:
Gatnep/and' Fennel. :....... Big a ets ans 0
Each fluid dram represents
Catneps. ssc cee aren 5 ers.
GMM el] ince soccer a 2% grs,
CElSrY ko. os ee ee Sine es cree en es
Bach fluid dram represents
Celenyy Seedte recs cs csteiercs 5 gars.

Celery and Black haw compound, see

Per five Per.
pint gallon
bottle. bottle





Celery, Kola and Coca compound, see below.

Damiana, Nux vomica, Iron and Phos-
phorus, see Phosphorus, Nux VOMICA
Damiana andl ron.

Damiana, Phosphorus and Nux voin-
‘ica, see Phosphorus, Nux vomica and’



Clery COUIPOUMG 26 ss ss 90 4.00
Each fluid dram represents
Celery, Seed 80. i SES.
COCa 1eaKveSiaee see cee 3 grs.
Blacks Haw DaAgks. 0-6-2. : 3 grs.
Celery and Guarana....... dogo bccn ste 10) 7 5.00
Each fluid dram represents
Celery Seed oss sae Sas 1% @Yrs.
GQuaratasc ee ene 7% gers.
Celery Kola and Coca Compound.... 1.00 4.50
Each fluid ounce represents
Cray SES ogog coscencusacacs 40 gers.
Wola els eis eit oi eee 40 gers.
Cocap leaves... 50 oe 40 ers.
Bilack lawab ati cscs se. 40 ers.
a+-Chionanthus compound. 231.5... 5... 1.25 35.75
Each fluid dram represents
Chionanthisee ss: cc 12 grs.
Combined with aromatics
Chloral comp. see Bromochloral comp.
Ghlonal: hydtatesw.: s4-5°..4- Cease ~ 12546 575
Each fluid dram contains
Chioral hydrate.....-...... 10 ers.
Chloral and Potassium bromide, see
Potassium bromide and Chloral
Chioroform compound, N. F......... PS 95:25
Cinchona detannated, see Calisaya
Cinchona, ferrated......... ee Schell Oy me oeco
Each fluid dram represents
Red cinchona bark.. 5 grs
Iron and Ammonium cit....2 grs
COCA i ei iss eeia one Be haa tele woe 7 90 6 4.00
Each fiuid dram represents
Coca leAavesi sos i. ee es 15 grs.
Coca compound 7) ---.. Pe See OOF 4250
Each fluid dram represents
Wocavleavies: ie tet ccen seer 8 gers.
G@waranane sn Pensa 5 oes 8 gers.
Coca and Saw Palmetto compound.. 1.00 4.50
Each fluid dram represents
COCA ee cae ois Scere 2% ers.
Saw Palmetto............ 2% ers
Bilackeltawe sister cas 2% gers
Celery seed.............-. 2% ers.
@odeine Sulphate. ces. e a aS) 5205
Each fluid dram contains
Codeime sulphate... 2.1.6 ---1 % or.
Cotydalis compound ....2..5. 2. Ue Se 7 Bt25
Each fluid dram represents
UMD KAY Cornely apse cooogogonl0e 4 ers.
aUUbeticy ce dner ages \unocdnade 2 rs.
Prickly ash. bark............ Sts.
wine leat ie eho son kis ioce 2 grs.
PSs fl Boigu ee crt eo snes: Site
Sheep faurel Uae le Cais
Rotassinm 1odides...-.90-2.- Laci.
Cramp bark compound ANA ee e's Vicente Sloe 25
Each fluid ounce represents
Viburnum opulus.......-- 28 grs
Scullleapys-. 5-1 ese 28 gers.
Skunk cabbage.........-. 14 grs
(Datwaitas 0. ice ee a Neer See sOO) ee oeoU
Each fluid dram represents
VITAL Aye ys seis ie cer acle siete 15 grs.



















Per Per five Per
int gallom


Dandelion. ie.4 6G aes ich. Pode be ode
Each fluid dram represents
Dandelion i. ecces cre tee 30 gers.
Dandelion compound: 6. fe PALO

Prepared from Dandelion, Wild cherry
and Gentian, with aromatics, after
theformula published by the Amer-
ical Pharmaceutical Association.

Digestive ferments, see Essence of

Pepsin, page 427.
+ DWioscorea COmpoundern. 4. 4a -eee ee 1.25
Each fluid dram represents
Dioscorea villosa......... 1-2 gr.
Viburnum prunifolium... 5 grs.
Viburnum opulus........ 1 gr.
VitcHe lial re PelSecna sc. 2 gers
Helonias dioica......... SG.
Caulophilum thalictroides Ir.
Scutellaria lateriflora... 1 gr.
DiULeti Ch See Vis Fee ater -90
Each finid dram represents
BUCH Ge ccct eso re 15 grs.
Wij UiESIS hor io iti eta 8 grs.
ClEAVELS 350 Me eye eos SeeEs. ao.
Vauilper Dewrles as: aces a. 5 grs.
Diuretic. sce also ile17; Bee
Juniper and Potassium Acetate,
Warten AGO CWC. tae ero eps 0). elem co eo
Each fiunid dram represents
INTOCSs pllcitied ss. certs ees 1% gr.
RCH ae tarpateins Saisie sss terceer 34 or
Saintes. tee aneere eis i 4% or
Savaitlrrasriynvccnc ae gees 34 or.
Hucalypeus. to tie oe Sahat eae
Each fluid dram represents
Dt Galliysp tse. igure seuss ioc 10 grs.
Mucalyptus coumpound.. (.... 2... 5.65 90.
Each fluid dram represents F
ically, pttseyser cts o7- oe LOT ers:
Prickly ash berries...... Dy SiS.
Grindelias si. Gee ae. 5 grs.
Golden seal............... 2% ers.
Gentian. fg ee ole wean Se: et Oo
Each fluid dram represents
Gentiaiy ec Mees acces f ors.
Gentian compound. js0se-: ee: L715

Bach fluid dram represents the same amount
of Infusion Gentian compound.
Gentian, tepratedie .70
Strength of Infusion Gentian comp., with
1 gr. soluble iron in each fluid dram.
Gentian and Iron chloride... ....4.,. ..70
Each fluid dram represents

Gentian eee a ee Thi es 4 ers.
MinctelronecWlotid enc. 5d gtt.
Gentian and Iron chloride with ae
tated Pepsin....- pa bbds spraivis cites os Wc OU)
Each fluid dram represents
Gentian se see ee ees. Rh fends
Tinct. Iron chloride...... 54 S00,
Lactated pepsin ........... 2% gers.

Gentian, Iron chloride and Pepsin... 1.00
Each fiuid dram represents
Gentiaty 4 ee ees ec. 4 ers.
inc, lone CHlOTIGe ree sec- 4. 5 gtt.
Pepsin, saccharated, U.S...5 grs.
Gentian, tron and! Stiychuimtes: co
Each fluid dram represents
(SOMUBIN Goon ogonneooooodoude
Iron pyrophosphate....... grs.
Siny Chute ye wee tener
Gentian and Lactated Pepsin........ 1.00

Each fluid ounce represents


Gentian orice cee 20 ers
Lactated Pepsin.... 40 gers
Grindelian) 5 COS ea ee Mita LD
Each fluid dram represents
Grindeliarobusta........... 15 grs.
Guana aha ee ae is oan .. 1.00
ach fluid dram represents a
Guatatiavics soceuencs cee re 15 ers.
Guarana and Celery, see Celery and
HMelontaso ys iy oe eae Gy estes .80
Each fluid dram represents
Helonias: TOOb Gs 53 j10sc6 e+ 10 grs.
Helonias compounds an 9- 4 4. 27. hie OU)
Each fiuid ounce represents
Rartnitdeeberstyaorces 2c 110 grs.
Melonwtals FOOU yc. 28 gers.
iol cranibet inva