| | Chicago—H. K. MULFORD C0O.—Philadelphia 549

| Per Bort. oF 100 500 1000. ‘MOTHER TINCTURE TRITURATES.


Veratrum Viride, Tinct...... Land 2 min................. $0 35 $0 60 Made in strict accordance with the requirements of the Homeopathic
Vermifuge. (See Teeniacide, page 559; also, Tablets Pause oDe a
Santonin and Calomel.) Se; iigees§g “" PER Bor. or 500 1000.
: ACONITC ee eae 1-4, 1-2, 3-4, 1 and 2 min. 0 g
Ext. Vibur. Prun...1 gr. Mote: } oe o le a! 6
‘ é Jue Mibae. os er. ctza Racemosa................ fe Deane. Qaim es 40 75
HRViburnum Comp................. xe etris Far ore . E ce
(Chocolate-coated, ifdesired.) \Ext. Helon. Dio..1-2 gr. 25-1 ib! = 2200 Ailanthus.. fe oes cesses. osetia MASINI ccc ss ceses cstieesccaeece ke 40 15
a Valuable uterine tonic and {Ex,Mitchella Rep.1-2 gr ADIS on ec ae es Peo amd Ae se ese 40 75
stimulant. Caulophyllin ...... 1-4 gr. :
Indicated in profuse bleeding at or between the Apocynum salaweee neues ee NACo! MOTs eet eens 40 75


menstrual periods. Checks flow of blood and














aa eens | Asclepias Tub Tands2 THIMTMIS) sce. oe 40 vi)
Dose, 1 to 2 three or four times daily given in very | Sty Baptisiaycncs tok 1-2, land 2 mi
hot water. Given a week before monthly period | P RAD MN ee ee
7 will relieve pain and uneasiness. Belladonna... 0... 3c.c0. 00255-5000 LED eee dle 2st lke cscs 40 75
. Viburnum Prunifol., and { Ext.Viburnum.2 12ers} ie go oe | BbyORia cise es eeece eee cece see IE oD MN es 45 80
Cascara, NO. L..........000.c0008 Ext. Cascara.....2 1-2 grs Cactlise. eee ees i 60 110
Viburnum Prunifol., and ( Ext. Vibur. Prun..1-2 gr} 100 1 85 | Calabar ee ee ees m2 i Pee ae 45 80
Cascara, NO. 2..............000+ Ext. Cascara Sag.1-2 gr. Galendula.. ; 45 80
Ext. Black ‘afin Cannab. Indica.................... 45 80
vai .. 38-4min. .
Ext. Golden Seal, Cee et | 45 80
eu Viburnum Sedative............ HE Geet 33-4m 302 125. 1225 Cantharides ...............c0cesee0s -2, i 45 80
. Uterine, tonic and stimu-) Ext.Jamaica Dee: re : ‘
lant. wrO0d 2. 213-4 min. CapSiCumn (oii. ye ccc csen sess 1-2, Land! 2 min. ca. 45 80
| Dose, 1 to 2 tablets every Aromatics, q. 's. ; ‘ :
| Seige eho. Causticum 1-2, 1 and 2 min..... 45 80
| Chamomnilla ........0.0.....0..0... any 2 AMA e ee ee esa 45 80
. esas (Calves Chelidonium 1 min 45 80
i i Borax weg or | HRCAEGOMPUNE.....-ceseeeceeeeecsccee  L TITTD. . 0 eo see ese ee rocco eceeees
VOICE Ro rec tact stacestcetseostt cece : 15 75 136
ae Cocaine Hydroch : Chinas Sion oe Tea ee 45 80
a Cimicifuga 45 80
Warburg’s Tincture............ Representing 1 dram.... 3D) 00) 42) fo : e
(From original formula.) : f Cee ee 45 80
{Chocolate-coated, if desired.) Clematis... ovine cee 45 80
Coccolusif8 MEW ALA OKO VAR GOUD A cance 45 80
Warburg’s Tincture............ Representing 1 dram.... Bi da) 0) ‘

(Without Aloes.) | LANG 2AM cos ccesscess 45 80
4Chocolate-coated, if desired ) 1-2, land 2min............ 45 80
Warbure’s Tincture......... .. Representing2drams.. 65 3800 550 | 12, Land 2 min............ 45 80

(From original formula.) | Colocy nthis 35 2.0.5... es. co ees AD; ead) 2) MMs. cess 45 80
(Chocolate-coated, if desired ) | : é
COmEMES foe castes Trang: Pe eect seee 45 80
| Fe ace. ...... Representing 2drams.. 65 300 550 COBY GALS, sere MMIII ee dese tererseaceceess 45 8¢
Without Aloes .
(Chocolate-coated, if desired.) T@ODCD essere cee ees 1-2; lean: 2 min... se, 45 80
Digitalis 6.0.00 ihe, 12. and Yamin 40 75
| ‘Woodbridge Treatment. (See page 554.) Digscoreaye) 0.0.0. ecco d-2 Vein 2 coe es, 45. 80
| Zinc Permanganate............ AE OT atectserte wns teneeesossse AQ) 1 75. 3.004) Droseras.c ees 1E2 lean G2 aia eee. 45 80
a Recommended highly in gonorrhcea. Dul a is
i Use as injection. Dissolve 1 tablet in 2 to 4 ozs. of ulcamaras...cc ee WD ects 45 80
water. EQ@OnyMUS ......-..cceeceeeeeee eee ADT TUT cee 45 80
Zinc Phosphide...... ............. 1-10, 1-12, 1-20 ¢r............ 40 70 Eupatorium........................, aL IG 2 aA essen ce 45 80
eri ps faa ae EGphorbiacs..27-...0-.cscereeee i 45 80
Zinc osphide................... 1-4and 1-6 gr................ Euphrasin ee 45 30
Zinc Phosphide ...............0.6 Pes OMe. See wrccsscter etc 20 Ol 7 Gelsemium 45 80
| ° s rn
Zinc Phosphide and Ext. {Zine Phosphide.1-10 gr. a ‘ - GUaIaAC re eee ee 45 80
on vom ona ita sonccnes aa Ext.Nux Vom.1-4 gr.. Hamameliis...... eae 45 80
| ee ee lave Coneeds Ui cesited:) Hydrasds 45 80
| Zinc Sulphate... Sere cee ee 50. 90 Hy OSCYAMUS 0.....cesceceeeseeees leand:) mine esse 45-80
Zinc Sulpho-carbolate........ WO eerste cscs ssoreoeeces 50 90 45 80
: 55 «61 00
Zinc Sulpho-carbolate ....... 2 BTS. ceeccessnererconeeereen eve Gone 25 70 130
| Zinc Sulpho-carbolate........ 5 QUS....ccccescccescscsseeees 25, ele 2.00 ie e
eH eee Ss v lpho=carbolate ( Zinc Sulpho-carb...1gr. Leptandra 45 80
eC ener seoeseee a) Bre: Chale Eo gr. 75 135 Lobelia c.soc ce i 45 80
(Gases ate-coated,if desire owd. Opium.....1-40 gr. : :
Recommended in intestinal catarrh. Lycopodium Pietaus Gussbaseusterseee land 2 THEM... es sesseenes 45 80
| Dose, 1 to 2 every two or three hours. INGXAV ONIN CAs. occ ses cose ne ees 1D lvand 2am see. 45 80
(Oo ED TY cacerceontencecuanscncs can ud0ce PPD AMUN sy css ennorsnscsseoe sas 45 80
Zinc Viunpeolntee a Ra DSU Ge secser cesses tseeecee sc ecees 40 175 3800 Opiate case 55 «61:00
| ocolate coate Opium "5 1 35
Anti-spasmodic, nerve sedative. :
| oe pane Phosphoru5............-. --2+--0000 HeandoQemineg ce. Sees 50 90
Phytolacca...... Paeerecuse nen MMT es cecerswncseeae ese cene 45 80
Podophyllum...................006+ ads? aMiminnsss eee 45 80
Pulsatilla 200 ee 121 and? ming 45 80
Rhus. POX. ones Dea Gs QAM ss svsserete- tc 45 80
; Sambucus DOT oc aes se os se bs 45 80
ORDER FROM PRIVATE FORMULA. Senecio AGAMA Me nseccecete ene woetnseces 45 80
: : Spongia He 2 ye aCe2 AMT is ecenwre 50 90
Many physicians have formule which could be made as Sticta A Taies ee ee eee: 50-90
Tablets or Triturates to their own advantage and to the Thuja Land 2 Man... er... BD 20
; P thei ceut Veratrum Alb..................... 1-2, land 2 min............ 45 80
conven ee . SE Eevee oe . Veratrum Vir............... 1-2, 1 and 2 min is 45 80
We will be pleased to receive correspondence regarding | - yiburnum Opulus.............. land 2 min... 45 80
such formule and to quote prices. Viburnum Prunifol............ land 2 min... 45 80
The most popular prescriptions are marked H

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