The Best Qualities at the Lowest Prices.














giG@e Please specify ‘° Wm. S. M. Chem. Co.’s”? in ordering or prescribing. fl@s Please specify ** Wm. 8. M. Chem. Co.’s”’ in ordering or prescribing,
Padblet Triturates—Continued. Tablet Driturates—Continued.
‘ In bottles of In bottles of
ne ‘ 100 1,000 100
Aloin, Strychnine and Belladonna, NEOs Dene hase Or a 75 18 Calomel, 1-100 Mie tistics ora oheien cs falolaiaserscavone/eieyale witehevnrekercnsie ccelecotenee ates 50 13
“ ee Ee ae Se tiem ads Btn 1 1 gr. Calomel il: 20 cr eis Te ee ena ie oee 55 13
RR CMMING os ose cs oe cure Soule gr. i e ¢
Re Elidonea Ve nea PLO for oy Ra Se Ge Ee Oba Ns a0s aaa eee s 5
Aloin, Strychnine, Belladonna and Ipecac ................- 100 15 Bie te 6) See ce eG VEC IONS: Sey Gout an.
OTE KO es OE ae 1-5 gr. Calomel, 4% Solio erctersiate Melioveuslicdeyeite ero} of vie tele ele ois afalege) eas sible sic leisieicie 56 13 :
ee Stiyennine sy. .0 osu reste een cs 1-60 gr. GCalomels Uglor ood) ns a es a) Sug seeae te re ce 60 18
: Ext, Belladonna......... Meeeeiecs Yy gr. Calomel, 1 gr 4 90 15
a Powd. Ipecac Sicaticame aman te) aicae nn 1-1 gr. G j : ; W eleie cei el tee, 6mie = 0 ©.@e 0 60.6104 0 eels eee eo 6le-o pie ee vie 6 ervcce F {6 a
Mioin: , Strychnine LAaodedna Cok ee ee 90 15 AlOmels 21s oe Ue ciNeiae tien oat ction Sino N Gee ts
PTOI nes ei hoes 1-5 gr. Galomeland lpecace sie canst stile ielncnn vest aern ae Coos O0 15
Strychnine Ure UE eee yin terce . 1-60 gr. Calomelin cs Wi year. once ae han 4 gre
Ext. Belladonna... ........ _.1-8 gr. TPCCA Ge Ney Heine ea ae 4 gr.
Ext. Cascara Sagrada % gr Calomel, Ipecac and Sodium Bicarb.. ...2...0.....0.0. e000 70 18

Paani © lorie gr. foes) ae eames es ee whi. 55 13 ee De ad BS ee CMR SU A ae gr.

Ammonium Chloride Compound ......... yy cee Pe! 65 13 sodium “biceshohngg ct s Ven
eacaa ea ee ; is ~ ee Calomel, pacopny din a poe Bic arbite gare ver Oa wae 75 13
Hixtedeiquorice 0st nay cae: 1.10 gr. Calomei ee teas 1 “a8

Ammonia Chloride pores with’ Codeine 002. ose 1 50 20 Sedna cach Se a err. YY ot
Ammon. chloride ............. aeneea ets Ry ages Sat aay ee as
Powe @ubebe: coco So eras -8 gr. Galomelvand Sodium -Bicarb.s NOwd. ces) coe ce cross 60 . 13
xt Kiquorice.... 2.062201.) sseeee 1-10 gr. Calomel .--) seen eee eee ee eee 1-10 gr.

Podeimes i Aa eae eo 1-25 gr Sodium bidarhy. 77 8) kis _ i gr.

Antimony Compound ‘(Plamiders): Sk EU pi Me Ta FN 60 13 Calomel and Sodium Bicarb., No. 2 Dee ieee ate acters ec eteiele 60 13
Antimony sulphurated............ 1-40 gr. Calomel seh cece eee eee ee M4 Bre
Pee Guang en 1-20 gr. Sodium Dicarbey css eee 1 gr.

@alOniCli ee snae Wunle tss ear te ee 1-40 gr. Caleeet eed pena et as INOS a) ssn ange ee ae 65 13
ay : a y tals..... Sue 90 15 AILOMIST Sa Ee ON GH ae eee Coe has 1-2 gr.

Be iyancctics, 1050 'gu, puseleryotaia, 135 18 Sodium bicearb. es... Coed gr \|

Bone ay “8 8t-)P ml See ee ee 70 18 Calomeliand Sodium Bicarb...NoO.43. 200. 4 Vsekee ns boas 75 13 |.

Arsenic DMOMMALGSs LOE OI Seer aic ere senisiiaietsee es ojo e wcroussee Setetes eaeere Gals et Ne Ue eet ae Oy ge ier, 4p

Seerrsenic bromide, 1-30 gr eee cet s ace meg cee cence 60 18 Sodium Dicarbwy cio Senne 1 gr.

Persenic iodide, 1-100 of... 1s ee asec salutes aoe 55 13 Calomel and Sodium Bicarb,, No. 5. See Compressed Tablets.

Arsenic, sulphide, red, 1-30 gr............... BP De tal WV clekiue 55 18 Calomel and Sodium Bicarb., No.6:......... cteghig erste 55 18

Aaropine sulphateyk-b00. 8. coc Je ste dees e he ane seim se Aussie 50 13 Co ee Leese ee ees ay gr.

Pitcopine sulphate, 1-200 or... 0.05.0 0b ores eects Tucan aes 55 13 Oe ee oe ne fe Be ee .

| Atropine SUN Ates MALOU Ey ec cr, haa leiere © vieleieie be selec ole tin era) 65 13 Ghoti ee ee 1-8 gr, Seance sie

Atropine sulphate, 1-50 gr......... EUW hs iN oe done re oer 85 13 Sodium bicarb, ..... oo. sseceeue 1-8 gr.

Belladonna, fluid extract, 44 minim........... aceite recon _ 09 13 Calomei and Sodium Bicarbs,No.8.0 02 ea 60 13

Belladonna, fluid. extract, $6 minim. 2... ieee ke eos selec ae 55 13 @alomely ye coe eer 1-4 gr.

asad ee : Sodium Dicarbs-0 i) hae sae ne 1-4 gr.

Belladonna, fluid extract, 1 minim..... AOU Cee Cony ravaoal atta eroials 60 13 ‘

Calomel and Sodium Bicarb., No. 9000.22.00... 0c. ees ene 70 13

Belladonna, sol. ext.,14 gr.....-..-0- fete eee es Doleeitials stent ioe: 80 13 See ee

| Belladonna, sol. ext., 1-8 gr........-....-.045 Melee estcinie sore 65 13 Sodium biCarh ee 1-2 Be

rsmuth subcarnOnate ss) Or jsst lei ve pic cc pecs els eoenas oleisieiee 1 35 20 Galonelantl Wintergreen ....... CO ES a Oe 65 18

Bismuth) subnitrate, 2 STS ..5. 4.6... 2 ee weke Wi nineciesinelcslcerecee 1 7 23 Caloimels eo er i 1-2 gr.

EaSiiuelmsu bitrate, d: Ores. cutee. oho ss semanas ote eas 1 20 16 On\Wanterpreen hs Crawl tois q. s.

Bismuth and Cerium Oxalate, 1 gr...50 2.1... fee eee eee eee 80 13 Camphor monobrom, 1 gr....... .. ae eee the eid Mae 1 00 15
Bismuth subnitrate, .......... 1g gr Cannabis Indica! Hx, i-20)on 05002 eae eee vey cree 60 13
Oa oe a wy eee Cannabis indica Ext., 1-10 gr ....... eek ne eae 60 18

Be ee a catiaet, Pe sreseccscaesy OO ao Capsicum, bor eo eS el soa “5b 13

Black Cohosh, fluid extract, ] minim ...............0..----.- 80 13 Gapsicumiier. ic a A 60 1B

Blue Hes 1 gr. ee of a cee re eels CLS aar inane ee a Capsicumis 110 oro Sea so eee Ne Samer 55 13

B n Mixture, 1 teaspoontul........cceeecesevoes tesecccecs ‘ 2

ee Liquorice ate ues LOE. Capsicum, 1-20 gr....... ene e enters eens ne cece eee nec scenes 50 13
Camphor.22. 2. Mae tbu erie ae dais 1-26 gr. Capsicum and Nux Vomica 60 15
BENZOIC ACIG; coo 0 eu FIs esc an « 1-25 gr. Powd. Capsicum .............-.065 :

Oi Anise ee rae ee. 1-25 gr. Powd. Nux Vomica.... ........ . Yer.
Opi eae eves Reeves cae 1-25 gr. Gascariny | ora i eae Sens aes eas ttan outa tar 2 50 30
Tartar oe seneee Ce ce 1-60 gr. ae a Caulophyliin, Lier. ee a £7160 18
B Mixture Compound... ...cecseee 2 ee seeees ee Compresse ablets. Fi
a Shee eae Me i eeae oor eal Caulophyllin, Bee RON ete ee ena picasa netiry Sen ave 2 00 25
Wimnou: chior. toss eee ler. Cerium oxalate, orien oe eae ONY ou telresey, nettienn 80 13
f 5 3 : Pre Nara a he ea Boh: aie) Gan Oa OC ERR 13 GCholeracinfa mtu: s fase aie ee ie eng i as ohne ame eeng 1 00 15

Evo, ae ed ay eee 60 13 Mercury with Chalk .............. 1-24 gr

Bryonia, tincture, 1 minim...... Brahe ta SINS grat ie ena TUN eae Diceos powder ws ae 1-24 er

Bryonia, tincture, 5 minim ...............ecee cece reece eens 75 13 OR Ade N Cetatee ie ae 1.24 er

Caffeine, 44 gr....-... Pe spl route URE aeslwey vay gia vateserey ater ese sos sevees 69. 20 Prepared Chalks ics ines y ee 3-4 gr

temen WSh i Solis. iMacs eos eer eae eee ais tae ee 2 75 33 Cocaine hydrochlorate,1-100 gr...) =f nae 80 13

Caffeine, citrated, 14 6.... sce ce cece cee eee n cece e et terete ecees 1 25 18 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-50 gr.. | hey Se 1 20 17

Watteine, citrated, Lore... Sie. hoe e een swe ese sic sts aes 2 00 3) Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr... ‘ Without ; eee, 2 58 81

Calcium sulphide, 1-50 QE cc v cece cece cree ewes rte ceecerrevene 50 13 Cocaine hydrochlorate, 1-10 OT is | engagement. Ayes 4 62 52

‘Calcium sulphide, 1-10 gr..........0eeeeee eee a 55 13 Cocaine hydrochlorate. Yer... | | ae 5 60 62

@alciuns sulphides tor. is kee ete ele eet nee ee cee es 55 13 Cocaine hydrochlorate, %4egr.. ) Was 10 75 13

@alcium sulphides Yor oi ciecie soc pes cee ene cae ss eicie cise se yeas 60 13

49 | 50











| Foshay & Mason,

Albany. —
Woodard, Clark & Company.