One Quality Oalye
Special quotations given for large FunbUties.
















































IN BULK. Same quality as soid in bottles. ,
: Beer rely me 8. Chem. C8 imondering of prescribing. es" Please specify ** Wm. 8. M. Chem. Co.’s’’ in ordering or prescribing.
| : Powdered Alcoholic Hx tracts—Continued |
qi) i Per oz. |
‘ P O W D H R E D Opium, U.S. P. 1890 (assayed) containing 18% Cryetalizes
i i 5 Morphine ....... Esa se ai acta irc cet ae oI See Peron ect De peas 1 50 |
Alcoholic Extracts a eae se so
S Quuassia 22 see ee sien ce ees ies oh a ea ciec tiers ueteee 50
FRU DAE Dig eesGa ee eeriaa moe ape ciety haa DS Ug es yc trace tava StS 45
Riatany 5 ee eee See ee eee 40 |
Medicinal Strength.—One grain represents the strength of four grains of Scullcap fice. -eee ee eee cet eee teehee pee nee eee oe : ei
the crude drug, or four times the strength of a carefully prepared fluid ex- Stramonium: (assay ed) ocak vas cigs erect eases 40 i Gs
tract. Haceptions—Opium and Oxgall. — AV AIOTIA Ns RR Sige pice age as aie Su ee sie al on eye sais seeing Site as an 40 | bag
2 Adjusted to this fixed standard, and a definite relation between the drug My ance SSG SS ae aren ec EE Aa ee eae a eens 45 eg
and the powdered extract thereby established, the physician is enabled to W arburg’s Tincture wee epee terete eee et teen erst tetra cece 100 ce
prescribe and the pharmacist to dispense these Powdered Extracts, with eS . without Aloes......., eee ee ence ee 1 00 mh
a confidence not possible with the solid extracts of the market. Our pro- Yerba Santa .... 0... sce eee eee cece cee eee cent eens (sores 50 is
cesses involve an accurate study of each drug, and the isolation of its active.
medicinal principles; these in turn are adjusted to the required standard by pie
the addition of pure milk sugar; are not hygroscopic; and will be found
thoroughly reliable as therapeutic agents; permanent in BS as well as .
convenient to dispensing druggists. S O lid Extracts.
Poison Labels.—To conform to the poison laws of many of the States,
a specia! label, red ground and white letter, is placed on the Powdered These extracts are evaporated at a temperature so low that injury to the most
Extracts of the narcotic and other poisons. aeons re eee Ce ne eee
= gG@s> Comparative strength and dose on each label. employed in all cases assure a product vastly superior Golden
to the commercial extracts on the market. to.
one ounce vials, inclusive. Heabane
POWDERED EXTRACT OF Per oz Put up in Glass Jars, with a screw cap; avoiding waste and deteriora- ie
Aconite leaves (assayed) ........... see. OCA eta ne nee $0 40 tion through exposure to atmospheric influences; very handsome package, || Joba
Aconite root (ASSAa YE). oo. oe sk cic cc tein tie tee nce p ee cee 40 convenient for the dispensing department of retail druggists. bln a
oi Ce ee ergo 40 ihe
ae Belladonna Teaves (assayed) (per 1b. $6.00). 05. 0.005.-. 325 -.. 45 : lobe,
it Belladonna root (assayed).cn. 6.104. ccce ee eee cee 50 Per Per Per Per’ Mein
a : BACK CODOSI i oii os ae iets eieeanlat as Sie ayer ofatoeclayenele spate peter say's! «ears . 40 SoLIp EXTRACT OF 1 lb. 8 oz. 4 oz. 1 OZ. 4 ne
DEANS Black FLEE D Ores bce see os os ee Gee alte insole eid’ 40 Jar. Jar. Jar. jar. a
i | a BV AckiHawa i cl. josern Gee its. ce chad eee etie te ise ic as 50 ‘MGonite took (acsaved)i Seo ee $6 00 $3 10 $1 60 $0 £0
ne oe MOO’ CASSAVCD) se nous he cri ceee cerb dade rte taal. 50 Mines US, oe 270 145. 75 =i
| 4 ULEEENUG cect oe 2 ot Sage ita he OG uc tune pel ee Oe cent VS Ean 40 ee doers ow a ee 3 00 1 60 85
Calabar bean (assayed) Nose uae Satie ania Peru s aaa 1 35 Rifles tot U GS Pa Gee 6 CO 1 90 100 \
| a a Ce Ginn a 00) Bearman mine ernie ogres ie 7 ae e Belladonna leaves, U.S. P. (assayed) ... 6 00 3 10 1 60
| i ll GincHons Cal. U.S. P. (assayed) ; Ba as a 5 : : oo 2 ee 75 Belladonna (pure alcoholic) (assayed).... 7 50 3 85 1 98
| eae , SUR Se oer eG SE aL A © 95 Belladonna root (assayed).......... Raa O0O0 1 90 100
A | tevteteeeeee es ee ce nsec eee eeeeresecees eee aierae ance sales Bikewiodh oe ee ee 3 50 185 05
oe ia Colchicum root (per Ib: $6.00) 0. ss occ we Se oe cane aciears 45 Q
Ce oct 0 SOP a ae 60 Bite eee ent a ee 2
Mle ia Black Indian Hemp (Canadian Hemp)... 4 00 2 10 1 10
a \ Colocynth Co, Urs. Ps (per lb..$365).. 0... ose e. asics ee eterstawts 30 Blackberry root....... Rie cee 1 380 1 00 55
| a ee a SUMMER. ase usc Nutone Ute este Gee eRe Ieee cae sleds a Bick Cohosh’ ee ee: 3 00 1 60 85
e | e i Se ee NG RE ie 2 er ee ene 96 Black Haw......... Mas Geet on eee ee cries 450 235 1 20.
Hl Pee ee ae Ls ee 40 Black Hellebore.......... Mc teuiee nore cantnke 3 00 1 60 85
H eee a ee 40 BO Cet ec ne a
F oe ae 1 00 oe te
mee, i ee a Peas 50 Blue Hag. U.S. Pe. ceases cee sce clen 3 00 1 60 85
Ee Men Tua Sone a Macnee ia Opn d A SANT Fane a Gales eRe reOe BOneSCEe i ae en eter ta ais 2 50 1 35 70
Gentian, (per IbiS0.00) ce ees ae se ces op ils aie aes a 40 Buchu 7 50 3 85 1 98
Golden Seal (assayed).............2+--- OSE oe Home on 1 00 Burdock Te ts Cee cat les 2 40 1 30 70
ye Guarana (assayed). ON ica 1 50 ides, U.S. P ae NR ee 2 BY 135 70
f Henbane (assayed) (per Ib. $6 00) .......... ie Diep, 45 Culsbar BeaalU. S.P. Po eu DSc .
TOD eee eR eee aati tL amon anita ee 60 : ; wee ie eae :
Ganhabis Indtcay-UsS, Peirce ce -. 9 60 4 90 2 50
ae ieee bene Le RnR eae My een Re URE St igAUE Sa 3 i Cascara Saprada , i... secs. sc. = see veces 4:00 2:10 110
| Be VCO) oo a ee es, eee Sas Suveacteie gs Be i ar Chamomile homed ca 6 00 3 10 160
i } jalap (per Pen oe ee LN! ce 60 Cinchona pale (assayed). ...0.....0..65..- 5 00 2 60 1°35
ee ee Oe a a Be Cinchona, Calisaya U.S. P. (assayed)...
ne ee
eae Mandrake...... fra elerha siete ciate a desis wins sada ntls Soneels suelo oemea Ros laeelolenys
th A e Nux Vomica, U.S. P. 1890 (assayed) containing 15% Alkaloid,
i : per ADVSb00) ves e Os irs lo Nance cet re










| Cavetion & Coleman, Selma.
Amzi Godden Co., Birmingham.


Mobile Drug Co., Mobile: ;
Elam Drug Co., Anniston.
