Particle size distribution of the sediments within the 0-2, 2-5,
5-10 and 10-15 cm depth segments of the cores are presented in Table 1
for the unvegetated Allens Island transplant site as well as the vege-
tated Guinea Marsh donor site. The statistical parameters of grain size
calculated for this data are presented in Table 2. These sediment cores
were taken on March 14, 1980, several weeks prior to the spring, 1980,
transplantation of eelgrass.
Nutrient Analysis
Table 3 presents the nutrient concentrations in the sediments and
overlying water at the donor and recipient sites prior to transplanta-
tion. Few obvious differences are evident between the sites although
there are generally higher levels of nitrogen at depths less than 5 cm
in the donor site.
Table 4 presents nutrient concentrations in the unvegetated bottom
adjacent to the experimental plots 10 and 37 days after transplantation.
N03 and N02 levels in the sediments appear to have decreased by May.
NH+ demonstrates a pattern where lowest levels are observed at sediment
depths less than 2 cm. P0 3 levels also appear lowest'in the near sur-
face layer.
Table 5A presents the nutrient concentrations of the unfertilized
Z. marina plugs 10 and 37 days after transplantation. As with the un-
vegetated bottom NH4 and P04 3 levels are lowest during the May sampling.
The nutrient concentrations in the sediment of the plugs are generally
comparable to the adjacent undisturbed bottom (Table 4).