Several herbaceous species were transplanted in the wetland,
including bullrush, provided by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish
Water was not allowed to overflow through the swales from the
wetland until the area was well-vegetated. Water level gauges were
installed to monitor water elevations. Rain gauges were already present
at the mine office.
The water level in the wetland rises nearly two inches per inch
of rainfall. As the wetland filled with water, the topsoiled areas
vegetated rapidly and now have 100% ground cover. The areas not top-
soiled are being invaded rapidly by various wetland plant species.
Survival of the transplanted trees and herbaceous species has been good
so far and invasion by other species through natural processes has been
Seepage slopes are becoming evident along the upland-wetland
boundary. These areas have saturated soils but are not inundated.
Wetland plants are rapidly invading these areas also.
Wildlife usage has been heavy on the site from the construction
phase to the present time. Bald eagles, white pelicans, wood storks,
sand hill cranes, and numerous other bird species utilize the area as
well as alligators, fish and various mammals.
The attempt has been made on this reclamation project to con-
struct a variety of conditions which will be conducive to a diverse