Table 4. Comparison of Rank and Weight Order for the Wetlands
Evaluation Procedure Delphi Response.

Parameter                       Rank Order Weight Order Cluster

Net primary productivity                   1             3           H
Food chain support                         2             2           H
Mode of detrital transport                 3            12           H
Generalized and specialized habitat        4            10           H
Type of wetlands vegetation                5             4           H
Hydrologic periodicity                     6             1           H
Areal extent (contact, exchange)           7            16           M
Storage for storm and floodwaters          8             6           H
Natural groundwater recharge               9             5           H
Density of wetlands community             10            11          M
Aquatic study areas, sanctuaries,
or refuges                              11            18          L
Total area                                12             7           M
Proportion of total water volume
flowing through system                  13             8          M
Proportion of open water                  14            13          M
Location with respect to waste
sources or water supply intake          15             9          M
Location or elevation within the
wetlands system                         16            14           L
5-day BOD loading                         17            19           L
Fetch                                     18            15           L
Cul tural development                     19            17           L
Frost-free days                           20            20           L
H - High value components
M - Moderate value components
L - Low value components