ly loam soils. Heavy soils are well suited to sugar beets. Beans
grown to a considerable extent, chiefly on the lighter soils.
Ithough most of the soils of the county are heavy and best suited
,eneral farming, some sandy soils are better suited to trucking
special crops. Such soils as Superior fine sandy loam and Plain-
Lfine sand can well be utilized for special crops and are so utilized
Dme extent. Some areas of these light soils are near Manitowoc,
the larger areas occur along East Twin and West Twin Rivers
STwo Rivers. Both cities afford good markets for truck.
ns, peas, beets, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, cabbage, and
ýr special crops are grown with success, and some strawberries
bush fruits are produced.
ruit growing receives comparatively little attention, although
t farmers have a small apple orchard. During favorable seasons
e apples are sold locally. The best orchard sites are in the Kettle
ige region. Cherries, plums, pears, and other fruits are grown
rely a very small extent.
lairying is the most extensive branch of farming in Manitowoc
inty. On January 1, 1925, there were in the county 61,138 cat-
of which number 42,339 were dairy cows 2 years old or older.
1924 42,973 cows were milked, and the estimated production of
was 29,221,640 gallons, an average of 680 gallons per cow.
value of dairy products was $3,929,443. American cheese is
main dairy product. In 1926 there were 110 cheese factories, 3
ter factories, 1 condensery, and 4 receiving stations within the
ity. Among the dairy cattle, the Holsteins lead in numbers,
ýrnseys follow next, and there are some Jerseys, Brown Swiss,
Ayrshires. Many animals are purebred but most of them are
nnth~,, mnn,'tnt. hi,noh Af f.hA lupcztnplr" indlni5frv i. hncr r,.q-~.

In 1925 there were in the county 18.881 swine. Among the

epresented are Duroc-Jersey, Berkshire, Poland China, and
s are still used extensively for farm work, 11,090 horses and
s having been reported in the county in 1925. Most of the
imals are heavy, as the heavy soils of the county are hard
  Many tractors are also in use.     .    .

not raised so extensively as in western Wisconsin, only
reported in the county in 1925.
'mer keeps some poultry, and this adds materially to the
e. In 1925 there were 241,028 chickens in the county,
oduction amounted to 1,352,408 dozen, with a value of

rotation most commonly followed consists of corn, small
.ay. The hay may be grown for 2 years, and sometimes
is grown for 2 years, thus making a 4 or 5 year rota-
hanging of crops from year to year is common, but defi-

only 106 farmers used commercial fertilizers, including
d the total amount expended was $5,372. Superphosphate
osphate) is probably more extensively used than any other
fertilizer, though some farmers apply mixed fertilizer on
Dps. A number of farmers have had their farms examined


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